Friday, April 30, 2021

Biden Declares Your Patriotic Duty to ... Ignore the CDC and Wear Masks When You Don't Have To?

Biden Declares Your Patriotic Duty to ... Ignore the CDC and Wear Masks When You Don't Have To?
Brodigan - April 30, 2021 at 12:28PM

The CDC revised its mask-wearing guidelines this week. They vary depending on if you've gotten between zero and two shots. But you can go maskless outdoors, to the excitement of people who weren't already doing that. Indoors if you got two shots and you're with other people who got two shots, you're both free to show your faces. But Joe Biden is going to ignore the CDC and cover up anyway. In the middle of this gobbledygook explaining why, our president manages to work the words "patriotic duty" into it.

Our president is an idiot.

Crowder's CONSPIRACY Correspondent: How The CIA Started The Hippie Revolution! | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says