Brodigan - April 26, 2021 at 11:28AM

The internet has been downloading in its shorts over Tyler Perry taking the brave stance that hate is bad. The director told our betters in Hollywood that we should "meet in the middle" because that's where change happens. Stong words that might have more of a punch if, less than a month ago, he had not been telling people Georgia's voter integrity law was no different from Jim Crow.
Here's what he had to say Sunday night.
In this time, with all of the internet and social media and algorithms and everything that wants us to think a certain way, the 24-hour new cycle … it is my hope that all of us would teach our kids, and I want to remember: just refuse hate. Don't hate anybody. I refuse to hate someone because they are Mexican or because they are black or white or LBGTQ. I refuse to hate someone because they are a police officer. I refuse to hate someone because they are Asian. ...
So anyone who wants to meet me in the middle, to refuse hate, to refuse blanket judgment, and to help lift someone's feet off the ground, this one is for you, too.
Strong words, and maybe even a speech Americans need to hear. I too agree that hate is bad. You might even say I hate hate. It's also brave for anyone to address a liberal audience and tell them not to hate police officers. Tyler has always been solid there. But when so many lefties are influenced by LeBron James and the White House, it takes courage to say not all cops suck. It shouldn't, but I don't make the rules.
But it's hard to take someone seriously about meeting in the middle when the opportunity recently presented itself for him to do so. Instead, he went hard left, implying anyone who disagrees with him about a piece of legislation "harkens to Jim Crow."
I'm resting my hope in the DOJ taking a hard look at this unconstitutional voter suppression law that harkens to the Jim Crow era.
"The New Jm Crow" is the talking point liberal activists came up to lie about a Georgia voter integrity bill that increased opportunities Georgians have to vote. One side feels there needs to be some requirement to prove who you are before you vote and that some of the various ways people don't vote in person aren't secure. The other side thinks any voting laws are racist. If that's really the way Perry feels about the first group, that they support a return to Jim Crow, I'm curious what he thinks the middle is.
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