Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Joe Biden Wears Mask Outside to Tell Americans They Don't Have to Wear Masks Outside (Sometimes)

Joe Biden Wears Mask Outside to Tell Americans They Don't Have to Wear Masks Outside (Sometimes)
Brodigan - April 28, 2021 at 07:40AM

The CDC announced new guidance on Tuesday, informing Americans they are allowed to not wear a mask outside. Sometimes. And the rules are different depending on if you've gotten your shots or not gotten your shots. You can walk, run, or bike outdoors. BUT, only with members of your own household. You can attend small gatherings outdoors, but not concerts or crowded events. You can even dine outdoors, but only if you had your shots. If not, apparently you have you keep your face covered while eating.

Confused? So, it appeared, was Joe Biden. Who wore a mask outside to tell us we didn't have to wear masks outside sometimes.

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