Brodigan - April 19, 2021 at 12:33PM

Imagine being a local shop trying to make ends meet in Los Angeles. When out of nowhere, some pop tart attacks you for selling sugar-free treats. Not Pop Tart as in the tasty breakfast pastry. Pop tart as in the accurate job title of Demi Lovato. Who probably also gets triggered by Pop Tarts. Toaster Strudels too. The following incident leads me to believe Demi is a chocolate pudding short of an Oscar Meyer Lunchables.
Lovato was scrolling the 'Gram like us little people do when she saw a place called "The Big Chill" selling diet snacks. Because, when people choose to lose weight, they tend to buy snacks with fewer calories in them. Demi hasn't been this angry since Taylor Swift had the nerve to have healthy friends.
Finding it extremely hard to order froyo from @thebiggchillofficial when you have to walk past tons of sugar-free cookies/ other diet foods before you get to the counter. Do better please. #dietculturevultures.
So I think I'm gonna have to make that hashtag a thing. I will be calling harmful messaging from brands or companies that perpetuate a society that not only enables but praises disordered eating.
Let that processed word goop simmer in your brain for a little. Side note: As Bill Maher pointed out recently, obesity is the leading cause of people being hospitalized for corona. Just throwing it out there.
Someone from the store reached out to her via DM to ask her to calm down. Lovato responded by suggesting they label snacks by what health-challenged group they're for: diabetics, people with celiac disease, vegans, etc. Lovato says it's really hard for people living in LA to distinguish between "diet culture" and "health needs." Because Lovato was hangry one afternoon and needed to feel better about herself, her solution is to make other people have attention drawn to their health issues. Instead of walk past the offending food like anyone over the age of five would.
The sad thing is because of celebrities being what they are and social media being what it is, this entitled brat will probably make #DietCultureVulture thing. She could do something useful like encouraging her stans to take control of their own health. Instead, she'll just encourage responsible choices-shaming. It's never HER problem to deal with. Only everyone else's.
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