Brodigan - April 26, 2021 at 07:03AM

Leftists have made it clear that, in their soy-infected brains, they know how to police better than the police do. If the Ma'Khia Bryant brouhaha — in which a police officer saved a girl from getting stabbed to death — has taught us anything, it's that there is next to no split-second decision cops can make that Democrats won't politicize. There's no ignorant or uninformed comment douchebag celebrities like LeBron James won't make. The result? Idiots thinking it's funny to go up to cops and ask, "Are y'all gonna kill me like Ma'Khia Bryant?"
If the left wants to second-guess every police decision they think they can score a single political point off of, so be it. Since leftists like LeBron James are so super smart, we should just make cops ask for his permission before engaging.
LeBron, hey. Yeah, it's me again. Listen, I'm out here at this disturbance call, and there's a guy trying to stab another guy with a knife. What do you think I should do? ... One guy is trying to stab another guy with a knife. Deadly force is completely justified.
I see. So you don't care if a black person kills another black person, but you do care if a white cop kills a black person? Even if he's doing it to save the life of another black person? I mean, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But then again, you are really good at basketball, so I guess I'll take your word for it. ... Thanks, LeBron!
(Michael Jordan's the GOAT)
Funny. Though if I were to guess, the cop might get called into his supervisor's office so his supervisor can pretend he didn't think it was hysterical too. But he still makes a valid point. Talk to any friend or family member who is on the job and you'll hear it too. There's no decision they can make that a Democrat elected official or some other leftists dickhead WON'T throw them under the bus for. Maybe they should just call LeBron or a dingbat like Joy Behar before every decision.
Remember: Had the cop in the Bryant case NOT shot and the other girl was stabbed to death, these same idiots would blame the cop for that too.
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