Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Neil deGrasse Tyson Gets Obliterated, Out-Scienced on Twitter by ... Steak-umm. Yes, the Sandwich.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Gets Obliterated, Out-Scienced on Twitter by ... Steak-umm. Yes, the Sandwich.
Brodigan - April 13, 2021 at 07:38AM

,Steak-umm is God's gift to frozen meat. I'm at an age now where I appreciate a real steak. But oldheads will agree, Steak-umm day in high school was the best day of the week. We all ate like kings on Steak-umm day. Except for the poors. They were stuck eating Ellio's pizza. Or even more embarrassing, they BROUGHT lunch from home. Neil deGrasse Tyson is a sanctimonious douche who says the word "science" a lot. He's why people get orgasmic from the smell of their own farts as they virtue-signal about "believing in science." He and Bill Nye for some reason. What happens when a sciency schmuck squares up against a brand's social media manager? Hillarity and the content we all deserve. That's what!

Neil sent out one of his usual missives of words that don't actually say much of anything, but get nerds to download in their trousers for some reason: "The good thing about Science is that it's true, whether or not you believe in it." M'kay. Steak-umm offered a simple suggestion NGT should consider more often than he does.

Then, the sandwich started to wax more philosophical, making actual sense. As opposed to NGT when he needs to remind people he exists. Side note: Steak-umm should consider downloading Grammarly.

science itself isn't "true" it's a constantly refining process used to uncover truths based in material reality and that process is still full of misteaks. neil just posts ridiculous sound bites like this for clout and he has no respect for epistemology.

the irony of neil's tweet is that by framing science itself as "true" he's influencing people to be more skeptical of it in a time of unprecedented misinformation. science is an ever refining process to find truth, not a dogma. no matter his intent, this message isn't helpful

So what have we learned here? We've learned that sometimes you should put down your phone. Not all your thoughts need to go out into the Twittersphere. We've learned that in a battle between astrophysics and social media strategy, no number of Ph.D.s are a match for a snarky digital strategist. More importantly, we've learned that if frozen sandwiches could talk, even they've grown tired of Neil deGrasse Tyson's bullsh!t.

Cheers to you, Steak-umm. Thank you for always being there for us through the years.

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