Brodigan - April 21, 2021 at 01:56PM

There was an officer-involved shooting in Columbus on Monday. One girl was attacking another girl with a knife, and after multiple warnings to the assailant, an officer was forced to discharge his weapon to protect the victim. The media has already started pushing a false narrative that this was race-related. The White House had the opportunity to correct the narrative and set the record straight. It would have been the responsible thing to do, especially when emotions are still running high over the Derek Chauvin verdict.
It WOULD have been the responsible thing to do. But this is the Joe Biden White House, and Jen Psaki had the floor.
REPORTER: Any comment on the Columbus shooting with the cop and the two kids?
PSAKI: Yes. While any death is tragic and we wait for more details to come in, right now it looks like the police officer's split-second action may have saved a girl from being stabbed to death. We encourage all Americans, particularly our supporters, to take a deep breath with this one.
REPORTER: Wait, really?
PSAKI: LOL, psyche! Cops suck and that was, like, totally super racist.
Psaki with a PRE-WRITTEN RESPONSE to the Columbus shooting that left out any details other than the girl's age and race. She then brought up claims about police interaction that are questionable at best and threw in an irrelevant fact about foster care. Then, she circled back to the need for race-related police reform. Clearly implying that what happened in Columbus was no different.
So our focus is on working to address systemic racism and implicit bias head on, and of course to passing laws and legislation that will put much needed reforms into place in police departments around the country.
Person A was attacking Person B. Person A had a weapon. The police warned Person A multiple times to stop and eventually had to shoot in order to protect Person B. If that needs "reform," it no longer has anything to do with reforms and everything to do with being anti-cop. As if it wasn't clear before, the White House made clear it only supports the radical left. This was a prepared statement Psaki read. The White House knew the facts. They just didn't care.
Joe Biden is not a president for all Americans. Only the radical activists who have their hands up his ass and are controlling him like a sock puppet.
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