Brodigan - April 21, 2021 at 09:19AM

The media and others in this country (leftist others) are on an anti-cop kick, looking for any reason to attack police officers. Even, as it appears in San Francisco, unwinding while on patrol and there is no one around. That will teach Sgt. Chan not to joke around in an empty parking lot!
Sgt. Eddie Chan is under investigation for filming himself showing off his baton skills with the Mortal Kombat theme song music playing in the background. Internal Affairs is now investigating the actions of Sgt. Chan, according to NBC Bay Area.
“I think the video was irresponsible, certainly in today's climate," said Rob Millard, a retired San Jose police lieutenant who used to supervise Chan.
"That's nothing we need to see from police," Rev. Jethro Moore of the NAACP said of Chan's video. "I feel it's a bad place to be if he feels like he's going into work to be in combat with someone."
Badass nunchuck skills are something that should always be celebrated and appreciated. NOT something for internal affairs to be called in on. Yes, he was using his police baton. But the Mortal Kombat music playing made it clear what he was doing. Sgt. Chan was expressing his culture. Whoever reported him to internal affairs is obviously a racist. What Sgt. Chan put on display was beautiful. Also, as I said before, badass.
No one with functioning brain cells thinks Sgt. Chan was "preparing for battle." If he did that to a perp ... okay, it would still be pretty badass. But needing to have a conversation with his supervisor on duty would at least be understandable. But there was no one around. He was probably working overnight. There wasn't much going on. So he, horror of all horrors, joked around with his partner for fifteen seconds. People need to get a life.
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