Brodigan - April 23, 2021 at 12:40PM

Earth Day was yesterday and the left showed how scienecy they all are. Rep. AOC said climate change was caused by raaaaaacism. Poop was dumped outside the White House. Which was actually a nice change of pace, since the poop is usually dumped in Joe Biden's underpants. And Congress held a hearing on some climate-adjacent thing with an eighteen-year-old. I thought Greta Thunberg aged out of being exploited by the left. And the Democrats moved on to a fifteen-year-old with Tourette syndrome and ideas about renewable energy. But there Thunberg was, being grilled by Rep. Katie Porter on how to raise her nine-year-old daughter.
PORTER: My nine-year-old daughter thinks that the Earth is on fire and we're all going to die. I don't know what to do. Please help. What would YOU tell my daughter?
THUNBERG: I'd tell your daughter to call CPS and report you for child abuse. What kind of a monster lets their kids believe that? Other than my parents of course. But at least I was in double digits. It's totally different.
Porter is a congresswoman from California, which should come as no surprise. Only someone living in a leftist bubble would ask this question out loud, to a teenager, and think that they don't look like an asshole. This is even presupposing the conversation with her nine-year-old actually happened. Leftists claim to have the wokest kids you know all the time and claim their seven- through nine-year-olds tell them all sorts of perfectly crafted talking points. But let's say this conversation actually happened. If your nine-year-old is living a life of terror because they think THE PLANET IS ON FIRE and WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE, it's because you are a failure of a parent. Either you're the one who told them that, or there needs to be a meeting with their Marxist teacher.
Kids at that age should be concerned about Roblox and Spy Ninjas, and that's it. A parent's job is to protect the kids from how horrible the world is for as long as possible. If they are really "concerned about the planet," plant a tree with them or help them recycle. Anything more is you indoctrinating them with your political agenda.
Conservatives raise healthy children. Progressives train lil' activists. Katie Porter is horrible.
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