Friday, April 30, 2021

Joe Biden Panics, Can't Find Mask After Outdoor Speech: 'I'm in Trouble'

Joe Biden Panics, Can't Find Mask After Outdoor Speech: 'I'm in Trouble'
Brodigan - April 30, 2021 at 07:18AM

This is NOT a commentary on masks. Sure, I, as a fully vaccinated individual, follow CDC guidelines and don't wear one outside when I'm socially distant from others. Some people make different decisions. I also don't wear one on Zoom calls, again unlike some other people. But this is NOT a commentary on masks. This is about how Joe Biden is a virtue-signaling, senile, doddering, pudding-headed, doesn't know where he is, doesn't know who pooped in his pants, how the deuce is this guy the most popular president ever, old coot.

Biden walked out for a speech on Thursday. Put his mask down. Meanders his way through his prepared remarks. Manages to LOSE HIS MASK over that brief period of time. Hilarity ensues! Then you realize this guy is our commander in chief.

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