Brodigan - April 12, 2021 at 12:27PM

Sen. Rand Paul doesn't like Anthony Fauci. Sen. Paul isn't alone. While some view their love of Fauci as a personality trait, I'd venture to guess many of you reading this have grown tired of the media's favorite useless bureaucrat. But Rand Paul has a certain panache to how hard he hates Fauci. "Hate" may be too strong a word. I doubt Rand "Hitler-hates" Fauci. But he really, really, really doesn't like him.
Fauci was in front of cable news cameras again, saying his usual Fauci things about what we're not allowed to do. Yes, even while vaccinated. The vaccine we were told would get us back to normal. Rand was not impressed.
Fauci continues to ignore 100 years of vaccine science.
His only real theme is "do what I say" even when it makes no sense.
If you've recovered or been vaccinated - go about your life. Eat, drink, work, open the schools.
Enough with the petty tyrants!
And furthermore:
I agree with Sen. Paul's sentiment. Both about Fauci and going about your life. My only thing is, who are the people who haven't been going about their lives this whole time? Yeah, with adjustments. I own like ten different masks. But I eat. I drink. I work. Kids, where I live, are in school. I find it comical that there are real people living among us who turn to Fauci to see what they are and aren't allowed to do. At first, I thought it couldn't be true. Then I started to see more people double masking out in the wild, and it felt like I saw Santa Claus playing a pickup game with Bigfoot in the park. "Wow, you people really do exist."
I get why Fauci keeps lecturing what we can't do. He likes being on television. I get why the media keeps asking him on. If not, they'd be forced to report promoting lockdowns for the past year since "15 Day to Flatten the Curve" may have been a dunderheaded thing to do. But if you're someone who is STILL living your life based on what Fauci says you are allowed to do, stop.
Because Rand Paul is right.
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