Brodigan - April 24, 2021 at 07:20AM

The media has been misleading Americans over Makhia Bryant's shooting from the start. Even after facts have come in that the cop saved the other girl, the response is some version of "Yeah, but..." or "Akschually...." Misinforming the public leads to a misinformed public. Which may be what the left wants. Please see pandemic, global. Had this knucklehead known the facts from the beginning, he may not have woken up one day and said to himself, "Self, I'm going to go troll some cops with my smartphone. It will go over like gangbusters on TikTok."
Though the cop's response was pretty savage.
IDIOT: Are y'all gonna kills me like Ma'Khia Bryant?
COP: Are you going to stab someone like she did?
"I got this on a camera. You're going to go viral." The guy with the camera was right about that, though not for the reason he thinks. This video is going viral because the cop made him look stupid. Because the guy was stupid. Speaking without knowing facts will do that to a guy.
The problem is that while the cop's response was hilarious, everything leading to this video is anything but. There are Americans who honestly believe police officers run around arbitrarily killing people. It's what they're told by ignorant celebrities irresponsibly using massive platforms. Or a White House that willfully distorts facts if it aids their agenda. We can't deal wit the first problem until we find a way to dea with the other two.
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