Brodigan - April 26, 2021 at 12:33PM

Monty Python taught us to always look on the bright side of life. The bright side of living in American during pandemic times is that our biggest problem is having a virtue-signaling buffoon as president. But at least, unlike other countries, we aren't living in a borderline police state. We at least have that going for us. Canada will barge into your home over six people. England will fine you for walking without a good reason to be enjoying the sunshine. And in Ireland, which last I heard was a religious country, police will shut down mass in the middle of the service. Because the government decreed going to church was too dangerous.
One dude spoke up about it.
It would have been nice to see some churchgoers stand up to the cops. A guy in Egland went viral recently for tossing a local elected official out of his pub. I'd hate to think my Irish brethren have less balls than the British.
Some background from the Irish Post:
Last weekend, between 50 and 60 people were found to be attending Mass in the Corpus Christi church in Athlone, County Westmeath, according to local reports. Video footage of the moment police told the priest and attendees to leave has been widely circulated on social media, and while one clip shows a man arguing briefly with an officer, a Garda statement says all those in attendance were 'hugely compliant' and left when ordered.
Ireland remains in whatever "Level 5 Lockdown" is. SOME kids can go to school. SOME people can travel within their county, though apparently not outside their county. But mass is totally a no-no. For what I'm sure are purely scientific reasons, it's not safe for under sixty people to sit completely spread out in a church. You can only practice your religion at home via livestream.
Over a year after 15 days to flatten the curve, and there are European countries still telling people when they can and can't leave their house. Enjoy the silver lining, America. We're not that bad! At least, not yet ...
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