Brodigan - April 20, 2021 at 08:01AM

There are people who actually think Matthew McConaughey is going to run for governor. This all started when the actor barely mentioned he was possibly considering the idea on a podcast. Then a bored pollster asked around, and as it turns out, a famous celebrity polls better than a sitting politician. Dig through the poll and you'll probably find out that boobs are popular and if you make a drug reference in a concert, people will cheer. Much like I'm sure McConaughey is doing at this very moment.
Though it appears the actor isn't the only one stoned on 4/20. Texas Democratic Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa not only thinks the actor should run, but he should also run as a Democrat.
Gilberto Hinojosa tells TMZ ... he truly believes the "Dallas Buyers Club" star and Oscar winner can beat Gov. Abbott in the next election, because along with polling well, he says Texans are eager for new leadership.
Hinojosa says Matthew can't go it alone though -- meaning he believes the actor won't win running as an Independent -- and says he's got no shot at winning the 2022 Republican primary because the Texas GOP is run by "right-wing extremists."
Gilberto tells us McConaughey is way too moderate for that crowd, but he could be the perfect fit for the Dems if he joins them soon.
Gilberto points to McConaughey's stance on gun control as *checks notes* a winning issue in Texas. While the actor spoke out for gun control before, that was before he met people who support gun control. No one knows where Matthew McConaughey stands on the issue now. Including, I assume, Matthew McCounghey. But if Texas Democrats think THAT is the issue that will drive Texans to the polls, it would explain why they lose a lot.
McConaughey also believes in Jesus, which disqualifies him as a Democrat. The actor also thinks leftists are batsh!t crazy and hate the working class. Which, while accurate in both cases, leftists hate being told so. They also hate anyone who is slightly to the right of Karl Marx.
I get that Gilberto is bored. He's probably tired of avoiding Beto O'Rourke's phone calls wanting a meeting. But can we please stop acting like any celebrity with a marginal interest in politics is going to run for higher office? The only thing Matt McCounghey is is higher.
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