Brodigan - April 25, 2021 at 08:08AM

The crisis at our southern border - due to the incompetent policies of Joe Biden (allegedly) - is no laughing matter. Only in Biden's brain would it make sense to put Kamala Harris and her nervous laughing tick in charge to fix it. Seriously, the lady needs to read the room once in a while. As the southern border continues to be visited by tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, one person who will not be visiting is Kamala Harris. She says it's not her job. But while she won't bother to physically be there, she will be there in spirit. All minors left unaccompanied by their parents receive a copy of Harris' children's book.
New York Post, take it away!
Unaccompanied migrant kids brought from the U.S.-Mexico border to a new shelter in Long Beach, Calif., will be given a copy of her 2019 children's book, "Superheroes are Everywhere," in their welcome kits.
It's just the latest open-arms gesture by the Biden administration, whose mixed messaging regarding the border and immigration has been credited with the surge from Central America to the U.S.-Mexico border.
Not clear from the Post article is if the books have been purchased using taxpayer dollars. If I were to guess, they most likely were. Which would be a media scandal if Trump did it. But I suppose there is a chance an intern dug the books out of a landfill. Or, Kamala still had hundreds of unsold boxes in her house she needed to clear out to make room for her Peloton. Both of those are feasible possibilities.
Unaccompanied minors get a blanket, toothpaste, soap, and this forty-page, colorful, roll of toilet paper. One that teaches children "whenever there's trouble, superheroes show up just in time." The irony of Harris NOT showing up AT ALL is not lost on me or anyone not employed by the White House. I guess the kids who have been dumped by their parents should consider themselves lucky though. They could have gotten a copy of Joe Biden's children's book, Everybody Poops (in My Pants).
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