Brodigan - April 27, 2021 at 07:26AM

A New York City police detective was investigating a crime. A thug attacked him from behind - in broad daylight - with some form of a stick and ran off. Welcome to Bill de Blasio's NYC. Where you can attack cops from behind assuming there will be no consequences for it. Because it's New York City and that's surprisingly enough a safe bet.
Even as our Detectives investigate crimes they're attacked by emboldened criminals, who have quickly realized there are no consequences for law breakers in our city.
The DEA is calling for this violence to be fully prosecuted as we look to file civil charges.
The NY Post is reporting that Akeele Morgan, 25, of the Bronx, was arrested and charged with assault, criminal possession of a weapon, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct. The detective suffered a gash to his head a well as a whip mark.
There was no motive provided. Other than the guy being a thug and it being New York City. Morgan could have been motivated by the anti-cop narratives coming out of the Joe Biden White House and/or the LeBron James Twitter account. Morgan could also just be a piece of s***. Morgan is also most likely already out on bail. Because, again, it's New York City.
Please say an extra prayer for any police officers on duty in liberal cities. They're going to need it.
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