Friday, April 9, 2021

Nancy Pelosi Claims Biden's Doing Awesome Job on the Border, Gets Hit with Facts

Nancy Pelosi Claims Biden's Doing Awesome Job on the Border, Gets Hit with Facts
Brodigan - April 09, 2021 at 08:06AM

Nancy Pelosi's job is to lie on behalf of the Democrat administration. That's how the game works. I get that. It has to be difficult trying to spin how badly Joe Biden pooped his pants over the border crisis that he created. It's hard enough trying to spin Biden actually pooping his pants. There are only so many dogs you can blame the smell on. No wonder Major Biden keeps biting people. But when it comes to the border, the people who program Nancy Pelosi need to come up with better lines.

One can only assume decades of Botox injections are why she was able to maintain a straight face. As the House GOP points out, the facts tell an entirely different story.

171,000 illegal crossings in March alone...

Border facilities at 1,700%...

Allowing COVID-19 migrants to enter...

Nearly 19,000 unaccompanied children being held...

Does that *really* look like a "good path at the border," Speaker Pelosi?

Speaker Pelosi issued a response to the House GOP:

It's Friday and I feel charitable. MAYBE Nancy Pelosi is right. Joe Biden HAS signaled we need to bring back Donald Trump's "Return to Mexico" policy. Biden's administration HAS signaled he might continue construction on Donald Trump's border wall. By returning to some of Donald Trump's border policy, one could argue that Joe Biden is finally on a good path. The bad path is still all his fault. But if I were an "independent" "fact" checker, this would be enough to say Biden is on a good path. Just without giving Donald Trump any credit. After all, these are "independent" "fact" checkers we're talking about.

But no, Nancy Pelosi is most likely just lying. Because she's Nancy Pelosi.

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