Thursday, April 8, 2021

Dan Crenshaw Debunks Liberal 'Racist' ID Claims with Joe Rogan

Dan Crenshaw Debunks Liberal 'Racist' ID Claims with Joe Rogan
Brodigan - April 08, 2021 at 07:05AM

The race card is the Democrats' favorite card to play. It's their UNO Draw Four card that gets them out of having intellectually honest debates. That's why when the Georgia voting integrity bill comes up, instead of discussing the actual bill, their responses range between "it's like injecting horse tranquilizers into Jim Crow's testicles" and "it's totes the same as apartheid." You also have BlueAnon conspiracy theorists like Elizabeth Warren irresponsibly alleging election fraud in the 2018 Georgia governor's election. SPOILER: Stacey Abrams still lost.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw paid a visit to Joe Rogan's gingivitis-colored studios, where they tried to make sense of the claim: "How is needing ID to vote raaaaaaaaacist?"

ROGAN: You have three years to get an ID. That should be enough time for anyone to vote for the president in 2024.

CRENSHAW: Democrats are against any voter ID laws. They say it's voter suppression and call it racist.

ROGAN: How is it racist?

CRENSHAW: F*** if I know.

You may find yourself saying, "But Brodigan, of course they think that. They both look like jars of mayonnaise." It's true, both Crenshaw and Rogan are very mayonnaise-looking. What's also true is that 69% of African-Americans and 82% of other hyphenated-Americans support voter ID laws. They don't think it's racist to need an ID to vote. Not when you have an ID already because you need one to do almost EVERYTHING ELSE. It's mostly white liberals who think certain Americans are unable to obtain identification. White liberals like Joe Biden, who also aren't sure if minorities know what an internet is.

Americans across every demographic support voter ID. The two main groups who don't are liberal activists and Democrat politicians. It kinda makes you think.

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