Thursday, April 1, 2021

Connecticut Second Graders Shown Cartoon of Scared Little Girl and Man with an Erection

Connecticut Second Graders Shown Cartoon of Scared Little Girl and Man with an Erection
Brodigan - April 01, 2021 at 07:11AM

Exhibit Q on why you should homeschool your children. Because if the pandemic hasn't proven how horrible the public school system is and exposed the type of people who run it, this story from Connecticut will help. Second graders were shown a cartoon where a scared girl had a man standing next to her with an erect penis.

Meet Alfred Jr. and Shadow. Two cartoon owls that are generally reserved for therapy sessions. The gross part is about 5:00 in.

Why The Left Doesn't Get NUANCE And Blames Objects! | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says