Friday, May 1, 2020

Trump Denies COVID-19 Relief to Planned Parenthood

Trump Denies COVID-19 Relief to Planned Parenthood
Courtney Kirchoff - May 01, 2020 at 02:58PM

Sorry people who want to kill babies on the government's dime, but Donald Trump has denied COVID-19 relief funding to the baby butcher mills better known as Planned Parenthood of America. If ever there was a story ripe for liberal use of the clapping emoji, this is it.

From The Daily Signal:

"President Trump is committed to ensuring Paycheck Protection Program money is used for saving jobs at small businesses, not getting the government into the business of funding abortion," a senior administration official told The Daily Signal.

"While not all Americans share President Trump's pro-life beliefs, there is broad bipartisan support for the idea that American taxpayers should not have to fund abortion," the official said Wednesday night.

This shutdown is entirely the fault of the American government. Some people will come at me and say that it's China's fault, but China didn't tell the US economy to shutter its doors. That was all the US goverment's doing. You can be mad about it, but that won't change the truth.

Generally speaking, the COVID-19 relief fund, otherwise known as the Paycheck Protection Program, is for those small businesses which aren't billion dollar a year outfits. Like Planned Parenthood. Knowing this money won't go to baby-killing, that's just the icing on top of the gender-reveal cake.

I've had many issues with Trump during this pandemic (like how he ignores or seems to ignore the new data about COVID-19 so he can keep saying he saved millions of lives), but I'm on board with this decision. No public money should go to killing babies. If it's your body and your choice, it shouldn't be my money.

from Steven Crowder Says