Tuesday, May 5, 2020

POLL: Democrats Want Joe Biden Replaced Over (Alleged) Rape

POLL: Democrats Want Joe Biden Replaced Over (Alleged) Rape
Brodigan - May 05, 2020 at 08:45AM

Joe Biden is lucky that we're in a pandemic. Of course, if not for the pandemic, the left and the media would look for other distractions from Biden being rapey (see ACCUSED RAPIST JOE BIDEN WANTS MORE 'ECONOMIC INTERCOURSE' IN THE WORLD and NYT DELETES TWEET ABOUT THE SEXUAL ASSAULT CHARGE AGAINST JOE BIDEN). Allegedly. Though some lefties are at least being honest about how they feel.

Full Interview: Biden Denies Sexual Assault Allegation From Tara Reade | Morning Joe | MSNBC youtu.be

So even with the the pandemic distraction and even with Trump being Trumpy, more than a quarter of Democrats think that Joe Biden has got to go, while 75% of them obviously believe in due process like they did for Brett Kavanaugh. LOL.

What this means for Biden's chances is anyone's guess, because he's been defying polls this whole time. My dude has no money, no excitement, and no campaign, yet still polls well against Trump and never stopped polling well against his much better-funded Democrat opponents. Which just shows you how horrible they all were. But eventually people are going to start paying more attention to the presidential race than to their neighbor leaving the house without a mask. Maybe when that time comes, the media will start asking Biden surrogates whether they think Tara Reade is a liar. I doubt it, though.

EXIT QUESTION: Who is more likely to be behind the "Replace Biden" push: Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren?

The B*tch is Cringy (She Drives Me Crazy Song Parody) | Louder With Crowder www.youtube.com

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