Thursday, April 9, 2020

WHO Director: Politicizing COVID-19 Just Leads to More Body Bags [VIDEO]

WHO Director: Politicizing COVID-19 Just Leads to More Body Bags [VIDEO]
Brodigan - April 09, 2020 at 08:52AM

The worst part of the pandemic is the bastardization of the word WHO. I mean, sure there are other bad things (see AOC: Donald Trump Is to Blame for NYC’s COVID-19 Deaths [VIDEO] and Mike Rowe Flattens Media Matters’ Attack Over the Coronavirus). For me, nothing as bad as the fact that instead of thinking of Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend, or David Tennant and Matt Smith, I first think “World Health Organization.” But I need to be careful with what I say, though. WHO Director Glasses McFourEyes (I don’t feel like spelling his actual name) says I might be responsible for more body bags.

Please don’t politicize this virus. It exploits the differences you have at the national level. If you want to be exploited and if you want to have many more body bags, then you do it. If you don’t want many more body bags, then you refrain from politicizing it. … My short message is please quarantine politicizing COVID.

My short message is you can eat a bag of dicks.

To be clear, when he says “politicizing COVID,” he’s not talking about the people using it to push climate change. Or as a Trojan horse to force socialism on people. No, he’s talking about Donald Trump accusing WHO of cucking for the communist government of China. Which is true. It’s just mean to say out loud. Don’t politcize? Same guy, same speech:

This isn’t going to last forever. The sun will shine again. The curve will flatten. The economy will come roaring back. America gonna be just fine. But if we don’t take what happened and use it as an excuse to question whether or not China and organizations like the WHO have our best interests at heart, that’s going to be the true tragedy.


from Steven Crowder Says