Wednesday, April 8, 2020

AOC: Donald Trump Is to Blame for NYC’s COVID-19 Deaths [VIDEO]

AOC: Donald Trump Is to Blame for NYC’s COVID-19 Deaths [VIDEO]
Brodigan - April 08, 2020 at 08:03AM

New York City has been ground zero for the coronavirus hullabaloo. The city has more COVID-19 deaths than anywhere else in America. Each one a tragic loss of life, each one devastating to families. And each one, Congresswoman AOC says, Donald Trump is single-handedly responsible for. In the silliest way possible, of course. Just because it’s AOC (see AOC Blames Capitalism for People Owning Property and AOC: Lift Yourself Up by Your Bootstraps? “Physically Impossible” [VIDEO]).

Here are just a few dates to throw at you.

1/29/20: Donald Trump formed the coronavirus task force.

1/31/20: The Trump administration declared a public health emergency.

2/1-2/29/20: February happens.

3/12/20: AOC says you’re racist for not going to out to eat at a Chinese restaurant.

3/16/20: The New York Times reports that Bill de Blasio — the MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY — had his aides threaten to quit because he — the MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY — wasn’t taking the coronavirus serious enough. This is 45 days after Trump declared it a public health emergency.

It seems silly to focus on throwing blame around now. There’s plenty of time to do that after we fix the problem. But leftists like AOC started it. You don’t have to blame Wuhan, even though it’s true. You don’t have to blame the World Health Organization, even though they can eat a bag of dicks. But if we’re going to blame anyone specifically for the deaths in New York City and say the blame is on people not taking the coronavirus seriously, start with the New York City officials who didn’t take the coronavirus seriously.


from Steven Crowder Says