Thursday, April 23, 2020

AOC Says You SHOULDN’T Go Back to Work. Here’s Her Dumb Reason … [VIDEO]

AOC Says You SHOULDN’T Go Back to Work. Here’s Her Dumb Reason … [VIDEO]
Brodigan - April 23, 2020 at 09:14AM

Americans have been out of work since the start of the pandemic. But when it comes time for Americans to get back to work, Congresswoman AOC says Americans shouldn’t go back to work.

I legit can’t even find the words. While I go look for them, please watch this video that I assume was put on YouTube because the producers thought it was a valuable point.

When we talk about this idea of “reopening society,” you know, only in America, does the president, when the president tweets about liberation, does he mean go back to work. When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot of people should just say “no” — we’re not going back to that.

jon stewart

As a wise philosopher once said, what a bunch of malarkey. Though it’s similar to malarkey we’ve heard before (see AOC Celebrates Oil Price Plunge, Job Losses as Way to Push Green Agenda and AOC Encourages Rent Strike, Blames Capitalism for People Owning Property). Let’s set aside the fact that being able to work IS liberating. Having the ability to provide for yourself and provide for your family is more liberating than having to rely on Big Daddy government. Also liberating is not worrying how much more other people have and instead appreciating what you have. Put that aside for now.

Let’s stop with the “now is not the time to politicize the pandemic” nonsense. Actually, scratch that. It’s still not the time to politicize the pandemic. It is, however, time to push back against people who are trying to politicize it. Because Americans took a gamble agreeing to these quarantine guidelines, a gamble that is looking more and more like it was based on faulty information. If we’re at the point where socialist harpies who like to dramatically flail their arms to show what a serious person they are want to see the entire American economy remade in her image, hard pass.


from Steven Crowder Says