Tuesday, April 21, 2020

I can’t take it anymore. This COVID levee is gonna break…

I can’t take it anymore. This COVID levee is gonna break…
Courtney Kirchoff - April 21, 2020 at 10:42AM

A new study out of USC seems to confirm a study out of Stanford, which confirms what doctors from Stanford said earlier: COVID-19 while a communicable virus, isn’t nearly as deadly as media and early models initially indicated. So this shutdown? Yeah. Probably not necessary. Sorry all you people who lost your jobs. Whoopsy. Steven Crowder predicts that Americans will not just “take this on the chin.”

Steven is referring and showing this from USC:

There are a number of appropriate emotional responses to COVID-19 news on Tuesday, April 21, 2020. Today. Regardless of how you’re feeling, regardless of your stance on sheltering-in-place and all the government told us to do, it’s looks like COVID-19 fatality rate is actually pretty comparable to the seasonal flu. Which, so you know, also kills thousands of people every year. What we don’t do every year is shut down the global economy to flatten the influenza curve. What we don’t do every year is put 20 million Americans out of work to prevent sickness or hospital overcrowding (which other than New York, didn’t happen, in fact the opposite happened).

So regardless of our personal feelings on the “cure” to this virus, we need to get back to our lives, immediately. Reopen everything. Now.


from Steven Crowder Says