Wednesday, April 15, 2020

New York City Adds Thousands to COVID Death Count. But They Never Tested Positive…

New York City Adds Thousands to COVID Death Count. But They Never Tested Positive…
Courtney Kirchoff - April 15, 2020 at 10:25AM

If you really want to beef up your numbers on anything, just add more numbers. This works whenever you want someone to feel bad for you. Instead of telling the truth and saying something like “Wow, I’m exhausted, I worked 9 hours straight today” say something like “Wow, I’m dead, I literally worked 27 hours today.” New York City has seemingly done the same with the WuHuFlu death count. They just added 3,700 new dead people to the rona dole. But there’s one tiny catch. The newly dead were never actually tested for COVID-19. It’s just assumed they croaked from it.

From The New York Times:

New York City, already a world epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, sharply increased its death toll by more than 3,700 victims on Tuesday, after officials said they were now including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it.

The new figures, released by the city’s Health Department, drove up the number of people killed in New York City to more than 10,000, and appeared to increase the overall United States death count by 17 percent to more than 26,000.

Would you look at that. Why almost overnight, the kung flu sicken has taken thousands more lives, thus putting the number at least semi-closer to the once ballyhooed figure of MILLIONS then rolled back to HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS and now we’re closer to JUST OVER TWO DOZEN THOUSANDS of dead people from the cough.

bring out your dead

Except officials are now including people who may have never had the virus, just “presumed to have died from it.”

This falls in line with Madam of the Scarves in Springtime, Dr. Birx, admitting that “we’re taking a liberal approach to mortality.” Dr. Birx Explains How COVID-19 Deaths are Counted: ‘A Liberal Approach to Mortality’.

New York City is among a handful of places in the country, including Connecticut, Ohio and Delaware, that are beginning to disclose cases where infection is presumed but not confirmed.

Presumed but not confirmed. Oh. Isn’t that nice.

Tell me if I’m crazy, but doesn’t this seem like an effort to boost those COVID-19 numbers? I’d like to remind everyone that yes, I have been a rather insufferable brat about this whole thing, but Sweden didn’t close down anything and they’re doing pretty good considering. So beware the social distancing mantra as reason for any curve flattening. Sweden Didn’t Lock Down, Didn’t Tank Their Economy, and DIDN’T Suffer from COVID-19.

It just seems to me like media and politicos are trying to scare people shitless over a disease so bad, officials are adding people who may have never even had the disease to the death count. Kind of reminds me of fake hate crimes, but you know. I just hate the old people.


from Steven Crowder Says