Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Trump Campaign Video Hitting Nancy Pelosi is Brutal [VIDEO]

Trump Campaign Video Hitting Nancy Pelosi is Brutal [VIDEO]
Brodigan - April 21, 2020 at 04:39PM

If there’s one thing the coronavirus pandemic has taught us, it’s that we do in fact live in Two Americas. There’s the haves and the have-nots. The have-nots are all told they have to stay at home, unemployed and struggling, until the Flying Spaghetti Scientist says it’s safe to leave the house (see Are You All in on Governments’ COVID Actions? Where Do You Draw the Line? and Bill Maher Tries Pinning COVID Pandemic on Trump. Dan Crenshaw Unravels Maher’s Arguments!). The haves all work in the media and politics, telling you how you need to behave right now while they are at no risk of losing income or being unable to support their families. People like Nancy Pelosi, who has a taste for expensive ice cream that helps her get through these trying times while she holds up financial aid for everyone who is struggling. You know, because she cares about the little people.

I know this is a Trump campaign ad. But all of Pelosi’s handlers who think this is a good look for her need to be permanently furloughed.

I read a lot of criticism of the people out protesting the stay-at-home orders. Some, I admit, is legitimate. But for the most part, these are people who have spent at least the past month concerned about their jobs. Concerned about being able to provide for their families. And whenever they turn on the television, they get lectured about how they have to keep sacrificing by people who don’t have to make any sacrifices at all, people who can’t even give them a straight answer on when things can start to go back to normal, other than “eventually.” And if you question those orders, you are an anti-science conspiracy theorist. Nancy Pelosi and Trevor Noah (I think) should keep that in mind when they air brutally tone-deaf segments like this.

EXIT QUESTION: If Nancy Pelosi were an ice cream flavor, what flavor would she be? I think she’d be Raisins and Botox. Hit me up in the comments with your thoughts.


from Steven Crowder Says