Wednesday, April 22, 2020

AOC Blames CONGRESS for Losing a ‘9/11’s Worth of People’ [VIDEO]

AOC Blames CONGRESS for Losing a ‘9/11’s Worth of People’ [VIDEO]
Brodigan - April 22, 2020 at 08:31AM

Very silly Congresswoman AOC has said some really silly things over her freshman term. Silly, like whoa (see AOC Says You’re Racist for Not Going to a Chinese Restaurant [VIDEO] and AOC: Lift Yourself Up by Your Bootstraps? “Physically Impossible” [VIDEO]). But to claim Congress is responsible for a 9/11’s worth of deaths, just because the last COVID-19 aid package wasn’t to her socialist liking, really is one of the silliest renditions of AOC’s Silliest Hits.

And if we are going to bring every member, or call back almost every member who can, back to D.C., to pass a small, incremental bill, and with the knowledge that we are not coming back until next month again – that’s two rent checks.

And the last time we left, again, we lost over one 9/11’s worth of people, due to this lack of – of action.

Let me see if I follow this. We have a pandemic. The government shuts down businesses because of that pandemic. In order to make up for the financial hardship that caused, there’s an aid package to get some money to help businesses stay open and help people pay their bills.  But because the leftist-control Congress didn’t exploit the bill to give the government even more control over the economy, over 2,977 people died.

It wasn’t the Miracle Cure for the Wuhan Virus bill. It was the Hey, Sorry We Shut Down the Economy on You bill. Whether the 9/11 analogy was some good old-fashioned never-let-a-crisis-go-to-waste-ism, or AOC actually thought Congress was actually going to heal everyone, you’ll have to ask her.

In the mean time, she’s still an idiot.


from Steven Crowder Says