Tuesday, April 14, 2020

OPINION: Can We Finally Admit the Public School System is Useless?

OPINION: Can We Finally Admit the Public School System is Useless?
Courtney Kirchoff - April 14, 2020 at 05:08PM

Not everything about the COVID-19 era of 2020 has been a complete fecal show. We’ve learned a lot about not just each other, but what we can do without. As government ramps up to prove what big powerful protectors of the little people it is, I’d like to show how much of what government does is useless tripe. Like the public school system, a pet project of state government.

Along with everything else, public schools shuttered their doors early into the COVID wave of finding out who cares about liberty and who cares about government protecting them from liberty a virus while claiming they care about old people and the rest of us don’t. Schools have been closed ever since.

The longer any of us goes without something, the easier it is for us to live without it. Like head lice and schools. Things that are not mutually exclusive. For transparency’s sake, I haven’t thrown a backpack into a minivan with stick figures on the back windshield to shuffle my offspring to la esquela. I state this so you understand my opinion on the matter of dropping off children at a government school for 6 to 7 hours is just my opinion. Though I was once a wee one who was dropped off at the government school for 6 to 7 hours. Okay? Okay.

But after schools shuttered their jam-handed sticky doors, I must assume that those of you who did send Skyler and Braden to public elementary, middle or high school have been responsible for caring for and educating Skyler and Braden during the day.

My guess is, based on what I’ve heard anecdotally from people in my wide circle of more than six feet apart (I “social distancing” before it was coined, thank you), you parents have discovered a few things:

  • Educating children isn’t that hard after all
  • Your kids finish their school work in less than 6 hours, if not under three
  • You actually like having your kids around
  • Your kids are happier being around you
  • You can control what your children actually learn
  • Your kids are actually learning things that matter
  • Your kids might actually be better behaved (this is a guess?)

For years conservatives have bemoaned the social justice garbage shoved down children’s throats, churning out little mindless drones who can’t always add but can tell you how terrible the white man was to the peaceful indigenous peoples of America. But for the first time in possibly any of our lifetimes, that’s changed. Parents who may have just complained before were forced to take control. Now parents not only know what their children are being taught, they’re the ones deciding if they should actually teach it.

Why, it’s almost like parents are taking a more active role in their children’s education and children are actually getting educated in subjects that matter. Parental rights: 1, state-sponsored liberal indoctrination: 0. And it was all because governments told schools to shut down. Let’s take a beat to savor the moment.

What may have been a huge adjustment at first has likely fallen into a routine now. And, again anecdotally, I’ve heard from my friends who have the babes, homeschooling is… kind of nice.

That’s an irreverent gif but what else were you expecting?

Lemme keep this sucker short-ish by ending with a number of questions we should ask ourselves as different components of our country, businesses and government re-open.

  • Why should taxpayers fund public education when public education, being closed so quickly, is “non-essential”?
  • Why should we continue having a Department of Education when it seems many parents don’t really view the school system as an educational powerhouse, but a state-sponsored daycare?
  • Why should we listen to the chest-beating teachers unions about how important teachers are when they’re so easily supplanted with parents, aunts, uncles, and professor Internet?
  • Why shouldn’t we shift the education model to fit each individual student, as parents have probably been doing for the last three to four weeks, rather than fitting a child’s education to a parent’s work schedule?
  • Shouldn’t education be about how to best educate children?

How have you found homeschooling your kids? Do you like it? Hate it? Hate it at first but like it now? Vice versa? Do let me know, I think this could be an interesting shift and might alter the next generation if parents are able to bring up their children with their own value system, rather than the state’s.

~ Written by Courtney Kirchoff

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