Friday, April 17, 2020

New Stanford COVID-19 Antibody Study is a Huge Game Changer [Video]

New Stanford COVID-19 Antibody Study is a Huge Game Changer [Video]
Courtney Kirchoff - April 17, 2020 at 05:28PM

The more we learn about COVID-19, the more we learn it isn’t nearly as bad as we once thought. What saddens/irritates me is how reporting that a virus isn’t as bad as we thought (should be a good thing) is taken as a bad thing. It seems like some people react by almost wishing there would be a big spike in deaths to justify their shelter-in-place and social distancing measures. Yikes. But I’ll write about that at a later time. A study out of Stanford University has found that the fatality rate is actually much lower than was once believed, and that social distancing might actually be harming the cause, not helping it. Hold your hate tweets about how much I must despise the olds and watch Blaze talent Steve Deace report the study’s findings:

This study seems to bolster what we’ve seen: a very low mortality rate despite early models predicting complete and utter despair. Check out Something’s Up with These COVID-19 Death Rates.

So while COVID-19 is still a virus to be taken seriously, it’s not a virus to be taken so seriously we need to continue keeping the entire globe on a weird lockdown. In fact, based on this, we never needed to lockdown. Yeah, I know that line will irritate everyone who encouraged, supported or participated in the lockdown in some form. If that’s you, take a step back and consider why it bothers you the disease isn’t nearly as bad as we once thought. Shouldn’t it be a good thing this disease doesn’t have an off the charts mortality rate? Shouldn’t it be a good thing it isn’t killing nearly as many people as models initially predicted? Isn’t it a good thing we can re-open our economy NOW?

Related: OPINION: Coronavirus Panic is a Trojan Horse for Socialism.

Look, we’re all going to die someday. We all take risks every day we live. Every time you start your car engine, you’re taking a risk. Every time you go outside your home, you’re taking a risk. Heck, a plane or helicopter may fall on your home as you’re sheltering in place. Life is full of risks, some we take, some are just a part of living.

If you’re still terrified of COVID-19, ask yourself why. Is it what media is telling you? Is it what’s happening in New York City (which isn’t reflective of the rest of the country)? Is it because you’re in a high risk group? Whatever your personal reason, the rest of the world cannot put itself on hold. Life goes on. It needs to go on. If you want to shelter in place, that’s your choice. The rest of the world needs to resume.

Go ahead and tell me I’m being irrational. That’ll be rich.


from Steven Crowder Says