Thursday, April 30, 2020

POLL: Americans Oppose Google Tracking Them by Their Phones to Track COVID-19

POLL: Americans Oppose Google Tracking Them by Their Phones to Track COVID-19
Brodigan - April 30, 2020 at 11:45AM

Anyone who thinks allowing Google and/or Apple to be able to track you via your smartphone is a good idea needs to be whacked on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper. Because that seems to be where we're headed (see ANDREW CUOMO ANNOUNCES TESTING TO REOPEN NEW YORK. HIS PLAN IS HORRIBLE. and YOUTUBE REMOVES VIRAL VIDEO OF DOCTORS REVEALING TRUTHS ABOUT COVID-19). That also seems to be a good time to have "Will Not Comply" tattooed across your sternum like Tupac. Thankfully, at least according to this poll, close to 60% of Americans have an issue with this. We need to sit down and have a long conversation with the other 40%.

Nearly 3 in 5 Americans say they are either unable or unwilling to use the infection-alert system under development by Google and Apple, suggesting that it will be difficult to persuade enough people to use the app to make it effective against the coronavirus pandemic, a Washington Post-University of Maryland poll finds.

The two tech giants are working with public health authorities and university researchers to produce a set of tools that apps could use to notify users who come in close contact with a person who tested positive for covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

I'ma lay it out for you like this. You know the paranoia that your phone is listening to you, when you suddenly are inundated with web ads for something you were just talking about? Or when you look for something on the line, then see nothing but reminders about that thing you were just looking for on the line? Great. Now imagine the government doing it. With the power to send authorities after you if you aren't doing that thing that the government wants you to do.

Or even worse: If you happened to bump in to someone who is sick, and even though you're not sick, health officials are sent your way and want access to your health records and then everyone whom you came in contact with, which they can get, because we've given Big Tech permission to give it to them.

EXIT QUESTION: Which kind of aluminum foil makes the best lid: heavy duty, or nonstick? Or does anyone know how to shape it to look like one of those old-school Kangol hats from back in the day? Figure if I'm going to be wearing it anyway, I still wanna look good.

from Steven Crowder Says