Thursday, April 23, 2020

Andrew Cuomo to Unemployed Protesters: Go Become Essential [VIDEO]

Andrew Cuomo to Unemployed Protesters: Go Become Essential [VIDEO]
Brodigan - April 23, 2020 at 09:04AM

Andrew Cuomo has done a really good job dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. His brother Fredo, not so much (see CNN Wants You to Believe Chris Cuomo has Just Come out of Quarantine and This COVID levee is gonna break…). But the governor has shown great leadership. His daily press conferences have been all fact with zero politics. Quite frankly, I’ve heard more about how much Donald Trump has done from Cuomo than I have from Donald Trump. I give the governor an A- in his handling of the ordeal. So I have to be honest, I find it somewhat refreshing to be reminded of what a douchebag he is usually. Like, comments like this are a sign that a return to normalcy is just over the horizon.

CUOMO: By the way — if you want to go to work, go take the job as an essential worker. Do it tomorrow.

REPORTER: Um, but there aren’t people hiring. You shut down businesses. That’s why we’re all here listening to you right now.

CUOMO: No, there are people hiring. You can get a job as an essential worker, so now you can go to work and you can be an essential worker and you’re not going to kill anyone.

Supermarkets. He’s talking about supermarkets and maybe delivery people. You can’t get a job working as an essential employee in a hospital. Most of what we need there requires schooling. From schools that are closed. You can’t get a job being an essential police officer because they canceled all testing. I’m assuming the essential fire department is the same. Probably the essential EMT workers as well. The only essential businesses that are hiring are places that sell food.

God bless them for doing so. But there are two employment issues there. One, because of all the unemployed people looking for work, all the extra jobs have been filled. Two, and this is important, they’re going to have to let people go as MORE AND MORE PEOPLE DON’T HAVE THE MONEY TO BUY FOOD THERE BECAUSE THEY’RE OUT OF WORK FROM THEIR NONESSENTIAL JOBS.

New Yorkers have been more than understanding. The curve has been flattened. The worst-case scenario we were preparing for was avoided. The USNS Comfort is no longer needed. These are all good things. Cheers all around.

But it’s time to let people get their lives back. Or, at the very least, if we do in fact need a few more weeks, maybe not be a dickhead to them for vocally expressing their stress and anxiety.


from Steven Crowder Says