Monday, February 1, 2021

Ron DeSantis Sends Clear Message to Florida (and Maybe America): Lockdowns Don't Work

Ron DeSantis Sends Clear Message to Florida (and Maybe America): Lockdowns Don't Work
Brodigan - February 01, 2021 at 08:23AM

The year after a presidential election has always been fun to watch. No sooner does the Associated Press declare a winner than people start preparing to run against the winner in four years. Random speeches from elected officials sound like auditions for the national stage. A clear example of this is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. The pandemic has launched him on the national stage. More specifically, his having a contrary response to the pandemic while being a Republican. The media tends not to like that.

Here the governor is speaking to the people of Florida. Though, visually, it almost looks like he's addressing a broader audience.

While so many other states kept locking people down, Florida kept lifting people up. We believe every job is essential. You work in a restaurant, we have your back. If you are a hairstylist, we protect your right to earn a living. And if you are a parent, we ensure your kids have the right to attend school in person. Lockdowns do not work. School closures have been disastrous. Yet even today, we see across our country business shuttered, lives ruined, and schools closed.

Florida schools are open. Every Floridian has a right to work. All businesses have a right to operate. And Florida will be better for it.

America's schools will be open. Every American has a right to work. All businesses have a right to operate. And America will be better for it. Just sayin'.

DeSantis makes a (potential) run for president very interesting. Conservatives have grown tired of listening to people tell us what we want to hear, only to not back it up once they get elected. Florida's governor has a record of talking about it AND being about it. Not only that, but he did so in the face of national media attacks. Being the governor of the former president's home state doesn't hurt matters either. If Ron DeSantis does decide national politics are for him, I think he's a clear front-runner in four years.

from Steven Crowder Says