Sunday, February 7, 2021

Freshman Congressman Annihilates Pelosi's Stimulus Plan Point by Point in Only Four Minutes

Freshman Congressman Annihilates Pelosi's Stimulus Plan Point by Point in Only Four Minutes
Brodigan - February 07, 2021 at 10:43AM

You may not know Congressman Byron Donalds. He's one of the freshman congressmen who helped give Nancy Pelosi the slimmest majority in decades. If his debut speech is any indication, we'll be hearing a lot more from him. Nancy Pelosi has been accused of holding up COVID relief just because Donald Trump was president. Now that we have a president she likes, the stimulus has to get rammed through. The rub is what's actually going to help people and what is just Democrats sneaking their agenda into law under the guise of "COVID relief."

Rep. Donalds only needed four minutes to take apart the left's arguments. This will bring a tear to your eye. Be sure to tip the hat to NotTheBee.

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