Brodigan - February 21, 2021 at 10:00AM
Let me stipulate right from the get-go. This is all alleged. Someone on Twitter tweeted things they say are from an "internal whistleblower." Coca-Cola has yet to respond. You may have just read a correction at the top of this page to appease everyone at Facebook. Okay? Okay. Here's what we do know. Leftists are known to be bullies, as we've seen through Gina Carano. PR firms are advising people to pander to the social left. The left has also shown they aren't above ridiculous racial labeling in the name of wokeness. So it wouldn't be surprising that a corporation like Coke would, in the name of "confronting racism," force employees to take an online course teaching them to be less white.
Which I guess ISN'T racist somehow.
How does one be less white, you ask? As one of the slides show:
- be less oppressive
- be less arrogant
- be less certain
- be less defensive
Be less defensive about your place of employment telling you to be less white?
- be less ignorant
- be more humble
- listen
- believe
- break with apathy
- break with white solidarity
Coca-Cola as of this writing hasn't responded. Outkick's Bobby Burack reached out for comment, and had this to say:
OutKick will update this story if and when Coke returns our emails and calls. Warning to the readers: no comments and ignored requests are comments, powerful comments.
Ten bucks say taking this course did help solve racism. But only to the extent white and black employees came together to agree how stupid it is. But hey, at least it was an hour they weren't on the assembly line or playing with spreadsheets! I'd actually be curious to have a conversation with the executive - most likely a white liberal executive - who greenlit this test. I want to have them explain to me how exactly they think this solves ANY perceived racism. Then I want to see them take the course WHILE a panel of African-Americans watched them. For no other reason than you know it would make the white liberal executive reallllllly uncomfortable. All while white and black employees sit together at lunch, crack jokes on each other, and argue about sports. Also, the woman who started the course that presumably makes money off of it? White woman.
These courses don't do a damn thing except make woke leftist tw*ts feels good about themselves. No racism is solved. If anything, it just makes it harder for people to actually have conversations.
from Steven Crowder Says