Thursday, February 4, 2021

David Hogg Wants to Take On Mike Lindell's "MyPillow"

David Hogg Wants to Take On Mike Lindell's "MyPillow"
Courtney Kirchoff - February 04, 2021 at 05:23PM

There are two people in our modern era who are so lacking in basic self-awareness, anytime they apply fingers to keys or utter words before front-facing cameras, my heart leaps. The first is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, upon whom I wish nothing but a long life. For in that long life will be a catalog of brazen stupidity, glorious over-reactions to the most benign statements, and a many a tale of events that may not have happened. The second is David Hogg. Sweet little David once thought it a powerful statement to wear a black band around the arm (kind of like the Nazis), he races all his leftist compadres to say the most ignorant things about guns, and now wants to launch his own pillow. Yes, a pillow. What kind of pillow, you ask? A comfortable kind which will ensure you reach REM? Not exactly. Davey wants to create a pillow as a rival pillow to Mike Lindell's MyPillow.

See anything missing? Aside from logic, that's a given. Here, I'll help: even the slightest attention to THE QUALITY OF THE PILLOW!

But wait, more:

I can't see William LeGate's tweets, he blocked me premptively. But not to fear, incognito window is here.

What a treasure. So reasoned. So ethical. So concerned with the sleep patterns of America that he's now shoving the useless piffle he calls thoughts into launching a pillow company. I see no downsides to this plan.

He meant to type incarcerated. In fairness to David, who knows more about a good pillow design than formerly incarcerated people who'd been issued suicide safe head rests which screams comfort?

Listen, David and Bill here can do whatever they like. If they think they can make a pillow which is primarily sourced from their hatred of Mike Lindell, fine by me. But usually when people start a company or create a product, they do so with a fervent desire and passion for the company's mission or the product's design. That doesn't appear to be what Hogg and LeGate are doing. Rather than saying "We're going to make the most comfortable pillow it'll be like sleeping on a cloud of baby's breath" Hogg and LeGate are titling their business plan with "Fuck Mike Lindell."

That's a joke.

Good luck to you, David and William. I for sure think what pillows are lacking now is hatred for half of America.

That's also a joke.

from Steven Crowder Says