Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Ted Cruz Strikes Back: Media's Obsessed with Me Because They Don't Have Trump

Ted Cruz Strikes Back: Media's Obsessed with Me Because They Don't Have Trump
Brodigan - February 23, 2021 at 07:09AM

There are people who feel you should never apologize in politics. I'm not one of them. If you feel you made a mistake and want to apologize, you should. Even if you know your political opponents will be complete and total douchelords about it. I do however believe you should only apologize once. Ted Cruz did that over the whole Mexico thing. Normies can move on with their lives if they even cared in the first place. But the people who work at CNN and MSNBC are not normies. Allegedly.

Cruz sat down with Sean Hannity last night. The interview was about the MUCH MORE IMPORTANT TOPIC of Merrick Garland's attorney general hearing. But the opportunity for a snarky dig at the end presented itself.

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