Brodigan - February 09, 2021 at 07:29AM
We've all got our eye on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis as a potential 2024 candidate. He's shown he knows how to handle the press. More importantly, he's shown that unlike others on the right, he'll back up his words with actual legislative action. He also manages to do all this, as Steve Deace points out, in a major swing state where there's partisan blowback to every decision he makes. My man's got some stones, is what I'm getting at. He also appears to have a sense of humor.
DeSantis was enjoying the Super Bowl on Sunday. Apparently a little too much, according to one spy.
OH MY GOD, HE'S NOT WEARING MASK!!! HE'S IGNORING THE CLEAR CDC GUIDELINES SAYING HE SHOULD WEAR ONE!!! I guess the governor thinks he's as special as Tom Brady. Or, hear me out, maybe he just happened to take it off momentarily. That's a conclusion a normie would come to. I'd even argue a normie wouldn't care in the first place. But there are snitches everywhere.
Word of this "explosive" photo got back to DeSantis. Knowing how predictable the media is, he knew this would turn into a thing if he didn't act fast. Which the governor did, by laughing it off before he was even questioned about it.
Laughter is the best medicine. Actually, that's not true. Beer is the best medicine. Laughter comes next. But if DeSantis responded with a beer, possibly pouring said beer over the head of whoever took the photo, that would create a whole other set of problems. So the governor just laughed it off. He also did so before anyone in the press had a chance to give him crap for the sin of temporarily not wearing a mask.
Being able to handle the press as a Republican candidate is as important as your position on any issue. Ron DeSantis clearly checks that box.
from Steven Crowder Says