Brodigan - February 19, 2021 at 07:02AM
You're about to read a unique twist on a "good guy with a gun" story, a niche yet very important genre. A home intruder tried breaking into the home of Herbert Parrish, an 82-year-old Vietnam veteran. The thug allegedly pulled out a knife and attacked Parrish's wife, Lois. The veteran feared for both of their lives. The only way this would end was for the home intruder to be the only one who walked out of the house. That's when the vet put the greatest in "Greatest Generation." He grabbed his gun. Shots weren't fired, but the thug home intruder is no longer among the living.
Parrish said he then hit the intruder with the handle of the firearm until [the intruder] was unconscious.
“I started hitting him in the head with the barrel and I know I must have hit him at least ten times right in the face, just as hard as I could hit him," said Parrish
The intruder was pronounced dead that evening due to the injuries.
When I read the headline, the version that played in my head was of the veteran beating the thug to death with his own hands. Wiping his hands off with a handkerchief. Looking down at the now deceased thug, and saying, "I told you not to interrupt Golden Girls." For some reason I picture the man being played by Ed Asner. Still, saving the day by beating someone with a gun is still pretty badass. If I were his grandson, I'd be bragging to my friends.
Cheers to you, Mr. Parrish. You better not be paying for a single whiskey at the VFW this weekend.
from Steven Crowder Says