Brodigan - February 18, 2021 at 12:46PM
The left is fond of saying "my body, my choice." Keep this in mind as your read about this Brooklyn waitress, formerly employed by the Red Hook Tavern. Brooklyn is of course in New York, where the media is suddenly discovering not every elected official follows the science. The tavern told its employees that they needed to get the COVID vaccine. The waitress, Bonnie Jacobson, wasn't ready to get the vaccine yet. Not for anti-vax reasons. Do you hear that, Facebook? NOT FOR ANTI-VAX REASONS. But Jacobson was trying to get pregnant and wanted to see more research to make sure the vaccine wouldn't affect that. Her body, her choice. Right? Apparently no. She was fired.
The email to Jacobson then stated that getting the shot was mandatory, and that "at this time your employment will be terminated. We are sad to see you go."
"I was just like wow, really? I worked for you through a pandemic. We've been 100 percent outdoors, I've been working in the heat, in the cold. I just worked a 13-hour double on Sunday, Valentine's Day."
Again, SHE ISN'T ANTI-VAX. She just wanted time to talk to a doctor. Like anyone with half a brain would want to. Allegedly.
I do support the vaccine. I'm not, as they say, an anti-vaxxer. I just wanted more time, they didn't allow me that, I didn't even have time to consult a physician. It was a week from being "your choice," to ''it's not going to be mandatory," to "it is mandatory," to "you're fired."
The owner realized he messed up after the bad PR and is amending the policy. No talk as of this writing about Jacobson getting her job back. Though I hear Florida is hiring. The weather is much nicer there too. The owner being a foodie from Brooklyn, I can assume he probably follows in lockstep with every leftist pandemic talking point. In this case, getting a vaccine being your patriotic duty. Asking any question makes you an anti-vaxxer in the eyes of Brooklyn bar owners, leftist media personalities, and Facebook fact checkers. Allegedy. Also, this can't be repeated enough, the waitress wanted to TALK TO HER DOCTOR FIRST.
I can't imagine this will be the only story we're going to hear about this happening.
from Steven Crowder Says