Monday, February 8, 2021

Comedian Ryan Long Thinks Woke Leftists Should Form Their Own Church

Comedian Ryan Long Thinks Woke Leftists Should Form Their Own Church
Brodigan - February 08, 2021 at 09:49AM

For a group of people who mock believers, leftists are among the most devoutly religious people. "Devout" may be the wrong word. People "devoutly" believe that Jesus Christ is their lord and savior. And that the Ten Commandments are a pretty decent guide for living your life. Leftists are more zealots for their own wokeness. Their commandments are based on whatever they decided to be outraged about this week. Or what marginalized group is being marginalized more better than the other marginalized groups.

As Ryan Long points out, they really should just form their own religion and get it over with. I know our betters at Facebook probably have their fact-checking little fingers all cramped up right now. Please note the "comedy" tag at the top of this post.

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