Saturday, February 27, 2021

Grocery Store Demands Woman Wear Mask, So She Drops Her Panties and Wears Them on Her Face

Grocery Store Demands Woman Wear Mask, So She Drops Her Panties and Wears Them on Her Face
Brodigan - February 27, 2021 at 10:42AM

This takes place in South Africa, so the CDC guidelines on mask-wearing are not applicable. While I may not know what rules the country must abide by, I do know that this woman is my new shero. We've all been there. Even though it's going on a year since fifteen days to flatten the curve, sometimes you forget your mask. Or, you haven't put it on yet before obnoxious people start shaming you. In this woman's case, she did all of her shopping maskless and left alone. Until she tried to check out and a sales clerk caught her. Instead of letting the woman pay for her goods and go about her day, she was asked to leave unless her nose and mouth were covered.

This woman did what anyone else would do in this situation. DROP. YO. PANTIES!

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