Monday, February 22, 2021

Cancel Kermit? Disney Slaps Insane Warning on 'The Muppet Show'

Cancel Kermit? Disney Slaps Insane Warning on 'The Muppet Show'
Brodigan - February 22, 2021 at 07:43AM

This is the second dumbest decision Disney has made this week. Nothing has held on to a special place in my heart longer than the Muppets. My first time crying during a movie was when the gang was saying goodbye during The Muppets Take Manhattan. Quite frankly, I care about the Muppets more than I do most people. Finally, we were getting the classic "The Muppet Show" on a streaming service. But not without a warning. Because it's 2021, people are stupid, and an imbecile might complain on Twitter.

This program includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now. Rather than remove this content, we want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it and spark conversation to create a more inclusive future together.

Woke corporate cowardice is so hot right now. But really? THE F*CKING MUPPETS?

I get that in a world of pandemics and senile presidents, a corporation slapping a legal disclaimer before a '70s show doesn't rank as a big deal. I'm still going to binge on Muppets. Just with rolling my eyes before each episode. It's just remarkable how corporations have grown so scared of leftist bloggers and assorted other idiots on Twitter. We've gone from saying "you can't make 'Blazing Saddles' today" to saying that you aren't allowed to even enjoy it.

Normal people can enjoy an episode of The Muppet Show and not think anything else of it. They can see the dated cultural references and understand the show was a product of the time. That 1970s stereotypes have no place in 2020s society. Or, normal people can just sit and laugh. Because they're not permaoffended assclowns. And also because I can't stress this enough, IT'S THE MUPPETS!

But five random jackwagons might complain. A blogger from Vox might be desperate for clickbait, and someone in Disney's PR department might have to answer the phone. For that reason, a warning that the show you are about to enjoy has been deemed unenjoyable by a handful of miserable people.

Don't be one of those miserable people. Not when it's time play the music, light the lights, and get things started.

from Steven Crowder Says