Wednesday, February 3, 2021

No Republicans Vote to Advance Biden's Stimulus Package. Here's Why ...

No Republicans Vote to Advance Biden's Stimulus Package. Here's Why ...
Brodigan - February 03, 2021 at 07:56AM

"No Republicans" was trending on the Twitter because no Republicans voted to advance Joe Biden's bill giving the American people $1,400. At least, that is how it was summarized. Biden deserves a modicum of credit for having a bill in the first place. He has mostly just been executive-ordering things. Possibly not even knowing what he has been signing, depending on the latest rumors you may have heard. I'm not saying I believe those rumors. But there is a reason why I would have my grandfather sign things for school that I didn't want my parents to see.

Anyway, let's get back to No Republicans.

The package on the line includes a round of $1,400 direct payments for most Americans, $350 billion to state and local governments, an increase in federal jobless aid to $400, and a proposal to increase the federal minimum wage to $15, among other aid.
All four measures have proved to be sticking points between the two parties.

The main talking point is "Republicans Block Giving American People Money." It's more complicated than that. What Republicans blocked was a resolution. Passing the resolution would mean the bill would be passed without a debate and with a simple majority. 51 votes instead of 60. That would most likely mean all 50 Democrat senators plus Vice President Kamala Harris. What Republicans did on Tuesday night is make it so that senators have to actually debate what's in the bill. Then vote on it.

Republicans want to make sure stimulus checks are going out to just the people who need them. In other words, the people who have most suffered due to the government's lockdowns.

Republicans want to be able to debate a minimum wage increase. Hopefully, that will include what a minimum wage increase has to do with COVID relief. Just saying, increasing the cost of doing business to businesses that are struggling may not be the best idea.

There's also a thing where, apparently, the local aid from previous bills hasn't been spent yet. Republicans want to see that money used before sending more aid. I'd be lying if I understood why that is, or how previous aid could possibly not have been used to help the people it's supposed to help.

The only thing Republicans blocked on Tuesday night was allowing Democrats to ram a bill through without any scrutiny. That's not as catchy as "meanie Rethuglicans blocked you from getting cash."

from Steven Crowder Says