Sunday, February 28, 2021

Excerpts: Donald Trump Plans to Hammer Joe Biden, Issue Demands During CPAC Speech

Excerpts: Donald Trump Plans to Hammer Joe Biden, Issue Demands During CPAC Speech
Brodigan - February 28, 2021 at 10:18AM

Sunday afternoon, Donald Trump is set to address CPAC in his first major address since Joe Biden's inauguration. Newsmax obtained excerpts of what the former President is expected to say. The general theme looks to be about the future of the Republican party. Though, there are going to be quite a few solid shots thrown towards the current occupant of the Oval Office.

"We all knew that the Biden Administration was going to be bad — but none of us imagined just how bad they would be, and how far left they would go...Joe Biden has had the most disastrous first month of any president in modern history."

"Biden's radical immigration policies aren't just illegal — they are immoral, they are heartless, and they are a betrayal of our nation's core values."

"I call on Joe Biden to get the schools open RIGHT NOW. No more special interest delays!"

Another anticipated demand from Trump is his calling for a breakup of the Big Tech monopolies. Which I'm sure is going to blow the roof off of the Hyatt. Note to Facebook, "blow the roof off" is an expression. It means the crowd is going to cheer very loudly. NOT literally blow the roof off. You wouldn't think that would need to be explained. But, you know.

Not clear is if Donald Trump will officially announce plans to run for re-election. That was alluded to earlier in the week. Other potential 2024 nominees like Kristi Noem and Ron DeSantis have also spoken this weekend.

Of course, these are experts of what Donald Trump is EXPECTED to say. He's still Donald Trump. Once he gets going, the script could very well be set aside. Bottom line, tune in because you never know what he's going to say. The only thing guaranteed is that it will be call cable news is talking about tomorrow.

from Steven Crowder Says

Kristi Noem Unloads Over Lockdowns: 'COVID Didn't Crush the Economy, Government Did!'

Kristi Noem Unloads Over Lockdowns: 'COVID Didn't Crush the Economy, Government Did!'
Brodigan - February 28, 2021 at 08:39AM

CPAC is where our future leaders go to first audition for conservatives. It's extra important after an election year that didn't work out for us. We get our first look at people who could very well be raising the flag in a few years. One person many on the right have their eyes on is Kristi Noem. South Dakota's smokeshow of a governor has gotten a lot of national attention over the past year for her response to the pandemic. Like Ron DeSantis, she did the opposite of what other states were told to do. Turns out, NOT shutting everything down may have been the way to go. She didn't get an Emmy for her work, like some other governors. But she got low state unemployment and a strong economy. I guess it just depends on where your priorities are.

Noem took to the CPAC stage on Saturday and did NOT hold anything back.

Crowder & Hodge Twins GYM Work Out! | Louder With Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says

Andrew Cuomo Accused of Sexual Harassment by a SECOND Woman: 5 Things to Know

Andrew Cuomo Accused of Sexual Harassment by a SECOND Woman: 5 Things to Know
Brodigan - February 28, 2021 at 07:38AM

At the rate Andrew Cuomo is going, the media will need to work overtime finding dumb things to hit Ron DeSantis for. The trouble for Chris's Idiot Brother started with a report from New York Attorney General Letitia James, claiming the governor undercounted nursing home deaths due to COVID. It was later reported his administration lied about the numbers because President Trump may have been mean about them. Now according to the New York Times, there is a SECOND former aide accusing Cuomo of sexual harassment.

Five key points:

1. The story began when Charlotte Bennett tweeted out support for Lindsey Boylan, the first accuser. The Times reached out to Bennett about sharing her story.

2. Bennett is a survivor of sexual assault, a fact that Andrew Cuomo creepily (and allegedly) seemed focused on.

"The way he was repeating, 'You were raped and abused and attacked and assaulted and betrayed,' over and over again while looking me directly in the eyes was something out of a horror movie," she wrote in a second text to her friend. "It was like he was testing me."

3. One June 5th, Cuomo allegedly asked Bennett if she was monogamous and ever had sex with an older man.

A friend of Ms. Bennett's, a former Cuomo administration official, said he had spoken to her shortly after the June 5 episode. He confirmed the contours of her account, saying that she had made it clear to him that she believed the governor wanted to have sex with her.

4. Cuomo calls the accusations "untrue," claiming he, "never made advances toward Ms. Bennett, nor did I ever intend to act in any way that was inappropriate."

5. The New York GOP issued this statement:

"In 2018, Andrew Cuomo demanded then-Judge Kavanaugh submit to a lie detector test and said victims must be believed. We don't need another one of his infamous whitewashed reports. These serious and disturbing allegations indicate a pattern of abuse that must be investigated outside of the governor's reach. We have an independently elected AG for a reason--Attorney General Tish James needs to do her job."

The accused have the right to defend themselves. Yes, even when the accused is as big of a dick as Andrew Cuomo. The letters "AG" are well known in New York politics to stand for "aspiring governor," so we'll see what her move is. Or if she even makes one. There's also the chance the mainstream media will have forgotten about this by Monday morning, looking for any excuse to talk about anything else. We shall see.

from Steven Crowder Says

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Grocery Store Demands Woman Wear Mask, So She Drops Her Panties and Wears Them on Her Face

Grocery Store Demands Woman Wear Mask, So She Drops Her Panties and Wears Them on Her Face
Brodigan - February 27, 2021 at 10:42AM

This takes place in South Africa, so the CDC guidelines on mask-wearing are not applicable. While I may not know what rules the country must abide by, I do know that this woman is my new shero. We've all been there. Even though it's going on a year since fifteen days to flatten the curve, sometimes you forget your mask. Or, you haven't put it on yet before obnoxious people start shaming you. In this woman's case, she did all of her shopping maskless and left alone. Until she tried to check out and a sales clerk caught her. Instead of letting the woman pay for her goods and go about her day, she was asked to leave unless her nose and mouth were covered.

This woman did what anyone else would do in this situation. DROP. YO. PANTIES!

Crowder & Hodge Twins GYM Work Out! | Louder With Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says

Report: DNC Changed Julia Louis-Dreyfus Joke Fearing it Would Open ‘the Dementia Thing'

Report: DNC Changed Julia Louis-Dreyfus Joke Fearing it Would Open ‘the Dementia Thing'
Brodigan - February 27, 2021 at 09:49AM

Anyone who writes comedy has had jokes "cut." It could be simply cut for time or because you have too much material. It can also be cut because you just weren't bringing you A-game that day. Speaking of not bringing your A-game, Julia Louis-Dreyfus hosted the Democratic National Convention. The funniest thing about the performance turned out to be a joke that didn't make air. Not the joke itself, but the reason why it was cut.

According to Vanity Fair, there was tension between [Stephanie Cutter, the convention's chief program executive] and "Veep" showrunner David Mandel and his team over some of the jokes in Louis-Dreyfus' script, which they penned.
Louis-Dreyfus was planning to say that Biden understood hard work and struggle, while "the only time Donald Trump has struggled is walking down a ramp and trying to drink a glass of water."

If you need to refresh your memory, Trump fumbled a bottle of water once. That's it. That's the setup. I think it was a two-day story on CNN. Because Trump fumbled a bottle of water.

Cutter said that Mandel couldn't have the joke "anywhere" in the script. She said they didn't want to risk "opening the dementia thing" and said that laughing at Trump's faculties may remind viewers that he had painted Biden as a frail person.

The joke got changed to "Donald Trump thinks 'self-made' means inheriting only half a billion dollars from your dad." Really, they should have kept cutting. There was a lot of cringe:

FIRST LOOK! Bruce Springsteen & Obama Make a Dumb Podcast | Louder With Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says

Ted Cruz's Passionate Speech on Defending Liberty Will Have You Ready to Run Through a Wall

Ted Cruz's Passionate Speech on Defending Liberty Will Have You Ready to Run Through a Wall
Brodigan - February 27, 2021 at 08:30AM

Ted Cruz always brings the fire at CPAC. But on Friday, he brought a little extra somethin'. His quick Mexican getaway must have done him good. The only thing this speech needed was sceaming "CLEAR EYES, FULL HEARTS" at the end. His message to the faithful was simple: defend liberty, and have a good time doing so.

BASED DeSantis vs. The FAKE News! | Louder With Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says

Friday, February 26, 2021

Gov. Ron DeSantis Delivers Powerful Pro-Freedom, Anti-Left Speech at CPAC

Gov. Ron DeSantis Delivers Powerful Pro-Freedom, Anti-Left Speech at CPAC
Courtney Kirchoff - February 26, 2021 at 10:05AM

The question of "who is the best Republican governor" comes down to a tie between South Dakota's Kristi Noem, and Florida's Ron DeSantis. Both governors flipped middle digits to COVID policies and made their states bastions of freedom. To be fair, Kristi Noem never shut down a gosh darn thing. Unfortunately for Kristi, South Dakota flirts with negative digit temperatures and no thank you. But enough about the cold, let's get into what's hot. Ron DeSantis spoke at CPAC on Friday, bringing the house down with an impactful speech nailing Big Tech, cancel culture, and honoring the late great Rush Limbaugh. You'll want to hear this one twice.

Biden Admin's EXTREME Transgender 'Health Care' Agenda! | Louder with Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says

Clay Travis' Bad News for Liberals: 75%+ of Sports Fans AREN'T Woke and He Explains Why Not

Clay Travis' Bad News for Liberals: 75%+ of Sports Fans AREN'T Woke and He Explains Why Not
Brodigan - February 26, 2021 at 07:00AM

The biggest "culture war" battle is leftists demanding their agenda be inserted into every aspect of entertainment. If you have a platform, it should only be used for that. You can basically break down America into two groups. One group just wants to shut off the news once in a while to relax with a TV show or enjoy sports. The other group is all "f*ck you, bigot" and trying to cancel Mr. Potato Head. Clay Travis is a hero who loves boobs and the First Amendment. He's also someone who just wants to enjoy a game. Though, if you have a contrary opinion that's to the right of Karl Marx, you should be able to express it. For this, other reporters think he's directly responsible for the Capitol riot.

Travis believes those of us who just want to be left alone make up an overwhelming majority. Sports fans specifically. Here he is explaining why.

Legal UPDATE: Twitter Suspended Crowder! | Louder With Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says

Grandma TAKES DOWN a Purse-Snatching Thug, Leaving Him Shirtless

Grandma TAKES DOWN a Purse-Snatching Thug, Leaving Him Shirtless
Brodigan - February 26, 2021 at 06:58AM

This is the feel-good video you need to get you through the weekend. It will always be rewarding to see an elderly person drop a younger nogoodnik. It's extra rewarding when it's someone's grandma. Pop-pops always let you know there's still enough gas in the tank to kick your ass. Memaws exist for huggies and snuggies. But occasionally, an old broad's gotta take matters into her own hands. As happened here, when a purse-snatching thug messed with the wrong nana.

They rolled out of view of the security camera. So I'm not entirely sure how the world's worst mugger managed to get the shirt beat out of him. We just saw the grandma get up of her own accord, grab her purse, and walk off. Probably muttering the words "punk-ass little bitch" as she went about her way. As the thug ... got in his car and drove away? This jackwagon actually PARKED HIS CAR under a street light to surveil old ladies walking by themselves. Got his ass whupped by an old broad. Then drove away in clear view of a security camera. Because again, he parked his getaway car under a street light. If you could harness this nimrod's stupidity, you could probably cure the coronavirus.

I don't even want to see him caught. Once this video goes viral, the embarrassment will be punishment enough. Our dude will be the laughingstock of all the neighborhood thugs, punks, and street toughs. Forever walking the underworld known only by his new nickname: Granny's Bitch.

from Steven Crowder Says

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Donald Trump's Tax Returns Have Been Handed Over to Manhattan DA

Donald Trump's Tax Returns Have Been Handed Over to Manhattan DA
Brodigan - February 25, 2021 at 02:10PM

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance has obtained Donald Trump's tax returns. After this week's Supreme Court ruling, Trump's attorneys finally handed the long sought-after returns to the DA's office. FINALLY, this national nightmare (eyeroll) can be put behind us.

The subpoena for the tax documents from Mazars USA, Trump's longtime accounting firm, was enforced on Monday and Vance's office now has them, a spokesperson for Vance's office, Danny Frost, told NBC News on Thursday.

Vance was seeking tax returns covering eight years for a grand jury investigation of hush money payments and other financial transactions. The investigation began after it was disclosed that former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen paid Stormy Daniels $130,000 to keep quiet about her claim that she had an affair with Trump, an allegation he has denied.

The returns haven't been made public. Yet. In New York, materials turned over to a grand jury need to be kept secret. At least until someone from the grand jury or the DA's office leaks them to the press. But THAT would never happen. Would it?

Out of all the dumb things leftists tried to make an issue out of, Trump's tax returns were always top three. Most of America, I'd argue, doesn't really care. Especially now that he's a private citizen. But the person who will most win out on the news? Donald Trump himself. He's giving a big speech to CPAC this week that is his first address since leaving office. This guarantees more eyeballs watching, which plays right into Trump's hands.

I wonder if he'll have anything to say about this over the weekend?

from Steven Crowder Says

Hasbro Announces Mr. Potato Head is Gender-Neutral, Changes Name to 'Potato Head.' Why?

Hasbro Announces Mr. Potato Head is Gender-Neutral, Changes Name to 'Potato Head.' Why?
Brodigan - February 25, 2021 at 12:33PM

My biggest regret is that Don Rickles isn't alive to react to this. Toy company Hasbro has announced that it is making Mr. Potato Head gender-neutral. They are dropping the word "Mr." from his its name and just calling him it "Potato Head." For reasons known only to people whom I'm assuming are really bored Hasbro executives. No word yet on what this means for Mrs. Potato Head, or if she's happy with her spudly spouse's transition. This is the extent of the Associated Press article.

Hasbro, the company that makes the potato-shaped plastic toy, is giving the spud a gender neutral new name: Potato Head. The change will appear on boxes this year. Hasbro said Mr. Potato Head, which has been around for about 70 years, needed a modern makeover.

I'm convinced now more than ever there is a giant lotto ball machine in some leftist nonprofit somewhere. Each ball has a different fictional character on it. On the fourth Thursday of every month, a ball is chosen and teams have to figure out how best to f*** with the character. Bonus points for the speed they're able to bully corporate executives into releasing a statement. The winning team gets free lunch at the culturally appropriate restaurant of their choice.

The dumbest thing in all this? You would think Mr. Potato Head was already the wokest toy imaginable. It's a "Mister" you can turn into a "Mrs." and back again, just for fun. Give him a top hat and a mustache, it's a Mr. Potato Head or a gender studies major. Give it a purse and some eyelashes, he becomes a she. Remove all gender-affirming accessories and it's a live-action Brian Stelter doll. Hasbro could have been trailblazing. Instead, it took the lazy way out.

Shame, Habro. Shame!

from Steven Crowder Says

Rand Paul Lights Up Biden's Asst. Health Secretary Nominee on Puberty Blockers, Genital Mutilation

Rand Paul Lights Up Biden's Asst. Health Secretary Nominee on Puberty Blockers, Genital Mutilation
Brodigan - February 25, 2021 at 12:31PM

Rachel Levine, Joe Biden's nominee for assistant health secretary, had her nomination hearing today. You may find yourself wondering why such a fuss over an ASSISTANT secretary. It's because of the glass ceiling that Levine is shattering her way through by being the first transgender cabinet nominee. We here at LwC admire her beautiful bravery. Or is it brave beauty?

The hearing wasn't all rainbows and cheese, though. One senator, Rand Paul, grilled Ms. Levine on health issues affecting the youth of this country. This back-and-forth speaks for itself without much additional commentary needed. This is good, because I don't think there is any commentary I can add and have this post still be visible on Facebook. Whom we're suing. Please sign up for our newsletter.

Biden's Admin Will Give YOUR Kids Puberty Blockers! | Louder With Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says

White Women Sing About How Racist White People Are on TikTok

White Women Sing About How Racist White People Are on TikTok
Brodigan - February 25, 2021 at 09:59AM

I try not to hate TikTok as much as my peers do. It can be a source of great amusement. Like the great MAGA Bro vs. Leftist Banshee battle of 2020. Or this dude, dunking on Chris Cuomo while eating ramen. It can be a tool used for good. But what is usually the case is we're reminded why Donald Trump was right to ban it in the first place. The new Twitter trend seems to be white women singing about how racist white women are. They must have grown tired of being blamed for electing people the left disapproves of. This is them making amends.

I also don't know if "two" makes a trend. But I saw these videos being shared on Twitter. To see if it's an actual TikTok "trend" requires me to spend more time on TikTok, and I would rather the Chinese not spy on me. Allegedly. This first woman looks like she is singing in what could be a classroom. Allegedly.

This other dame was kind enough to include subtitles:

If you want to know how corporations get away with telling white people to be less white or schools get away with sending homework assignments home accusing parents of racism, here you go. It starts with Becky and Other Becky. I'm not offended by their racism as much as I am by their lazy writing. Nursery rhymes? Really? if you want to drive home how much you think white people suck at life, do a parody of offensively white artists. Take a Hoobastank song, but make The Reason into a song about whiteness. Cover Nickelback. Reimagine something by Ryan Cabrera. If you're going to shamelessly pander to other white leftists, put some effort into it.

Because I can almost guarantee, any African-Americans hearing these two banshee sing are laughing at them as much as we are.

from Steven Crowder Says

SHOW NOTES: Biden Admin's EXTREME Transgender 'Health Care' Agenda!

SHOW NOTES: Biden Admin's EXTREME Transgender 'Health Care' Agenda!
Brodigan - February 25, 2021 at 09:06AM

If you doubted Biden's extreme agenda, wait until you meet assistant health secretary Rachel Levine. Also, we'll have the latest on Andrew Cuomo being accused of sexual harassment. HINT: It involves a game of strip poker. And Obama's doing a podcast with Springsteen?

from Steven Crowder Says

College Students Shocked to Hear Joe Biden's Comments on Genocide in China

College Students Shocked to Hear Joe Biden's Comments on Genocide in China
Brodigan - February 25, 2021 at 08:52AM

The Media Research Center released a poll saying 36% percent of Biden voters were shocked to hear some news about him that they missed. One might say, news that certain media outlets wanted voters to miss. Keep that factoid in mind. Biden raised eyebrows recently witth comments about human rights abuses in China, seemingly dismissing them as "different cultural norms." The youngbloods at Campus Reform were curious. Young voters voted for Biden. Did they know of these comments? Who do they think said them? How do they feel knowing it was President Biden? Let's find out.

Biden CALLED OUT For Kids in Cages! The Left is in Denial | Louder With Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says