Saturday, April 9, 2022

Two Acquitted, Two More Get Mistrial in Case of the Gov. Gretchen Whitmer 'Kidnapping' Plot

Two Acquitted, Two More Get Mistrial in Case of the Gov. Gretchen Whitmer 'Kidnapping' Plot
Joseph Gunderson - April 09, 2022 at 09:22AM

The entire world feels like it’s going insane. Ukraine is still making headlines each day, Biden’s half of a brain and word vomit threaten to throw us into WWIII, and Will Smith’s slap at the behest of his repulsive wife is still rippling through time spurring fingers to take to keyboards. If you forgot that a group of dudes in Michigan were on trial for allegedly planning to kidnap one of the preeminent murderers of elderly adults in American history, I forgive you.

They were on trial. As of yesterday, two of the men have been acquitted of all charges while two others were granted a mistrial after the jury deadlocked. The case was of such importance, though, not necessarily because a group of potheads cooked up the idea to kidnap a sitting governor but because they were surrounded by FBI agents who supposedly gave them the idea and urged them along the entire time.

MUSIC VIDEO: A Mug Club Can Survive (Parody) | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says

College Bro Who Roasted 'Groveling Eunuch' Brian Stelter Over Fake News Speaks Out: 'There Was No Remorse'

College Bro Who Roasted 'Groveling Eunuch' Brian Stelter Over Fake News Speaks Out: 'There Was No Remorse'
Brodigan - April 09, 2022 at 09:17AM

Christopher Phillips was this week's MVP. He was the college bro who roasted Brian Stelter like a potato over CNN's fake news. As soon as the incident happened, you had to know Phillips had a missed call from Tucker Carlson's producer. After all, Potato Stelter is obsessed with Carlson to the point of stalking. Tucker finds it all amusing. Of course, he would want the kid who went viral embarrassing Tater to tell him more.

Phillips wasn't expecting a straight answer (no pun intended) from Stelter, but he was disappointed CNN's Cheif Media Content Creator wouldn't acknowledge a few simple facts.

Brian Stelter CAUGHT Red Handed! | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says

Jen Psaki Slams DOOCY: VP Can Ignore CDC Guidelines Because Ketanji Brown Jackson Shattered a Glass Ceiling

Jen Psaki Slams DOOCY: VP Can Ignore CDC Guidelines Because Ketanji Brown Jackson Shattered a Glass Ceiling
Brodigan - April 09, 2022 at 07:36AM

There is another epidemic of the 'rona running rampant. It's a very isolated epidemic though. While it has taken over the entire city of Shanghai, this new American epidemic is affecting just our DC Elite. After a number of super-spreader events many of those at the White House, senators, congresspeople, and aides have all caught COVID. Yes, the exact same people who have been lecturing Americans for the past two years. While COVID spreads in DC, schadenfreude is spreading throughout America.

DOOCY couldn't help but notice how certain White House officials, like the vice president, didn't have to follow the same CDC guidelines everyone else in America is forced to follow. Jen Psaki said she's too important to.

WATCH: Press Secretary Jen Psaki Eats a Fly

from Steven Crowder Says

Bill Maher Mocks Dennis Prager's Claim Liberals Think Men Can Menstruate in 2019, Looks Like an Idiot Now

Bill Maher Mocks Dennis Prager's Claim Liberals Think Men Can Menstruate in 2019, Looks Like an Idiot Now
Joseph Gunderson - April 09, 2022 at 07:12AM

One of these days, Democrats might finally learn that the interwebs is forever. It’s nearly impossible to escape. And as the left skips merrily down the path of insanity, it’s funny to see how all the slippery slopes the right pointed out only a handful of years ago were used as waterslides for the radicals, and now, here we are.

In a video making the rounds on social media, Dennis Prager joined a panel of leftist dimwits on a 2019 episode of Bill Maher’s show. The conversation is about the transgender ideology sweeping over the nation, and Prager gets right down to brass tax—a trait many of us have come to appreciate in him.

“These are giant, left-wing lies. To say that men can menstruate is a lie.”

Notice how the entire panel, including Maher, just laughs. Prager sounds like a crazy person. But he wasn’t and isn’t. Prager saw what was going on while the liberal troglodytes on the panel chose to either play act like they didn’t or were willfully ignorant of the movement taking place within their own party.

But as we look around today, as we see the transgender movement manifest in manifold ways—whether it be in sports, in medicine, in government policy—we know Prager was entirely correct. The government has changed policies to incorporate “men” who can menstruate. Wording has been changed to incorporate “men” who can get pregnant, “birthing person.” They allow “women” born as biological males to dominate women’s sports and say that children can be trans or nonbinary or genderfluid or gay or bisexual or queer as young as freakin’ kindergarten.

Prager wasn’t insane, nor were any of us who saw exactly what he saw back then. The leftists who allowed this to occur were insane. They still are. And it’s high time those of us who still have functioning brains force the left to contend with reality instead of the maniacal, fantastical delusions they’ve been wallowing in for the past decade.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Video Resurfaces of Jada Pinkett Smith Emasculating Will Smith on Instagram Live

Video Resurfaces of Jada Pinkett Smith Emasculating Will Smith on Instagram Live
Brodigan - April 09, 2022 at 06:58AM

Will Smith has been suspended from attending the Oscars for a decade: punishment for making his wife Jada Pinkett Smith laugh by slapping Chris Rock on the stage. But I don't want any of you to worry, though. Jada Pinkett Smith will be fine. She is a strong woman and isn't angry at Will Smith for embarrassing her. There's a growing concern for the welfare of Will Smith, however. Video has resurfaced that shows The Emasculation of Will has been going on since as far back as 2019. All so Jada could grow her podcast audience.

According to the New York Post, Pinkett Smith initially made the video to promote her podcast “Red Table Talk.” Therapist Esther Perel was coming, who apparently had been helping the couple with relationship problems. Esther Perel has been doing a horrible job. When Smith said he didn't appreciate being ambushed in his own home like that and broadcasted live without permission, Jada further disrespected him by turning to the camera and saying she was “still dealing with foolishness.” The foolishness being Will Smith not appreciating being put on blast in his own home.

For those of you playing along at home, this video takes place AFTER Jada Pinkett Smith told Will Smith she never wanted to get married, but BEFORE she turned him into a cuck meme by telling him she was banging some other dude. I'm not sure where this next video comes from, a video of Jada shitting on him for planning her birthday party FOR THREE YEARS where he hired a documentary team, traced her family roots, and even got Mary J Blige to perform.

If Uncle Phil was still around, this wouldn't be happening right now. What's going to be fun is having to be reminded of this whole ordeal every year for the next ten years during the Oscars, as Jada Pinkett Smith shows up to the awards with a date while Will watches at home alone.

C'mon, man. You used to be the Fresh Prince. Act like it!

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Friday, April 8, 2022

China’s Institutes Unbelievably Draconian Lockdown Measures as COVID Cases Rise

China’s Institutes Unbelievably Draconian Lockdown Measures as COVID Cases Rise
Joseph Gunderson - April 08, 2022 at 11:52AM

Here in the United States, COVID is over. It’s a thing of the past, and it’s probably one of those periods in history that we should just never speak about because it was terribly embarrassing for the entire country. If you had told me prior to 2020 that Americans would just roll over and do whatever the imbeciles in the government told them to do, I would have said you were insane. But we did it.

Now, if you can believe it, things are even worse in China. It’s worse than things ever became here in the United States, and it’s basically over just the omicron variant. You remember that one, right? The one that’s basically a bad cold. Yeah, that one.

China is freaking the f*ck out over it, and the totalitarian regime over there has people in full don’t-you-dare-leave-your-house-or-even-breathe-too-much lockdown. I wish that were an exaggeration, but it’s really not. The Communist regime is basically enacting Anthony Fauci’s number one fantasy.

“Oooo, lock them down harder, Xi!”

from Steven Crowder Says

Biden's Department of Education Hosts Webinar on Supporting Transgender Students as Young as Kindergarten

Biden's Department of Education Hosts Webinar on Supporting Transgender Students as Young as Kindergarten
Joseph Gunderson - April 08, 2022 at 10:48AM

Can we get one thing straight: young children don’t understand sex (the activity), sex/gender (which, regardless of what one believes, are the same thing), sexuality, sexual orientation—none of this. They just don’t. So why exactly is the United States Department of Education hosting a f*ckin’ webinar to teach people how to be supportive of “transgender & nonbinary students in K-12 schools”?!

This is an actual thing they openly broadcasted on their Twitter.

If you go to the link in the tweet, it’ll bring you to a registration page, and it’s open to parents and family members. I advise everyone who doesn’t want this garbage in their schools to attend and let them know.

This is moronic. The only reason to teach something like this to educators of young children—and they advertise the webinar for being supportive of children as young as kindergartners!—is to suggest that some of those children are transgender or nonbinary or genderfluid water fairies or whatever.

Just like when the HHS secretary voiced open support for spending taxpayer funds on “gender-affirming” surgeries for minors, this is another example of the United States government advocating for the abuse of children. It isn’t physical abuse, as is the case with the surgeries, but it is emotional and psychological abuse.

This is unbelievable! And they don’t bother to hide this nonsense! Secretary Becerra had no problem saying aloud that he’s fine with spending money to mutilate children, and the Department of Education has no issues with broadcasting this training, and it’s because they don’t care what you think about what they are doing.

The United States government is run by leftist radicals who don’t care about your children. They only care about molding them into little confused, damaged leftists who can be used to further the left’s agenda. That’s the plan.

As always, get your children out of the public schools. If you don’t, just know their teachers are bringing this bullsh*t into the classroom.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

NJ Schools Wants Kids Going to YouTube Page for Sex Ed, One Video Encourages Watching Porn With Classmates

NJ Schools Wants Kids Going to YouTube Page for Sex Ed, One Video Encourages Watching Porn With Classmates
Brodigan - April 08, 2022 at 10:02AM

News broke on Thursday that New Jersey was requiring sex and gender identity education starting in second grade. To be clear, these guidelines were passed in 2020 and are only going into effect this September. So this isn't what critics call a "Don't Say Groomer" bill in response to what critics call Florida's "Don't Say Gay" bill. I fully expect those in California and New York soon. And yes, this is the same New Jersey where a teacher was caught masturbating in front of his class twice.

State Senator Holly Schepisi shared a link to Dropbox providing all the materials being given to schools. Sen. Schepisi adds, "the most outrageous part is teachers are instructed to promote a website Amaze and its YouTube channel to kids as young as 9 for them to get additional information on sex ed." One of the first videos suggested on the page (where students as young as 9 are encouraged to go) tells them watching porn is good.

Actually, TWO of the first videos. The link the Senator shared. And this one. Not only should you not feel bad about watching porn, but you should also watch it with your classmates.

WHAT A PIECE OF SH*T: Bruce Springsteen | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says

Disney CEO Grovels in Meeting With Employees: ‘I Apologize for Not Being the LGBTQ Ally You Needed’

Disney CEO Grovels in Meeting With Employees: ‘I Apologize for Not Being the LGBTQ Ally You Needed’
Joseph Gunderson - April 08, 2022 at 09:50AM

I wish I could say The Walt Disney Company isn’t long for this world, but we all know it’s not going anywhere. At least not until Daily Wire can get their children’s programming up and running. But as Disney starts pumping out queer content for kids at the direction of a bunch of unruly underlings, CEO Bob Chapek is on his hands and knees, begging his LGBTQ+ employees for forgiveness.

Okay, maybe he isn’t on all fours, but it wouldn’t change much if he was. He’s still a CEO on a Zoom meeting apologizing to his employees for not being a good enough “ally” to his LGBTQ+ employees. If he was actually on his knees, it wouldn’t make this any more pathetic.

“I hope you’ve all read my most recent note in which I pledge to be a better ally for the LGBTQ+ community, apologize for not being the ally that you needed me to be, and committed to ensuring that our company lives up to its values. I meant every word.”

He goes on to admit that he’s done the usual rounds. He’s basically had HR lead him around on a leash to speak with every queer employee and advocacy group. Now, he’s the ally-est queer ally that’s ever allied. In his head he’s probably crying, “Please… No more…”

But he has to do this. This is what the people want. As per one of his executives, the new generations are super-duper-uber queer, and Disney needs to make content for them.

“We were [are] targeting a younger, I think, more open-minded—and now we know […] ‘Gen Z is 30 to 40% queerer than the other generations…”

Last I checked, Disney was mainly targeting very young children. Gen Zers are between 10 and 25 years old… My daughter and nieces are 10, 11, and 12, and I don’t think any of them care about Disney anymore.

The stuff Disney is making is for younger kids. The kind of kids who are far too young to understand or care about anything like queerness. So, the fact that some brainwashed teenagers are making up new genders each day has nothing to do with the kind of children’s content Disney should be making.

Disney’s LGBTQ+ employees want to inject themselves into the content. They want who they are pushed on young children. This has nothing to do with changing the content to target a particular type of kid and everything to do with modifying the content to change the kids who will watch it.

Just more grooming on the part of Disney. And the CEO just spent a Zoom meeting with these people, groveling and begging for them to accept his apology. The groomers have control of Disney.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

David Hogg Revokes Your 'Man Card' If You Buy a Gun. Yes, That David Hogg.

David Hogg Revokes Your 'Man Card' If You Buy a Gun. Yes, That David Hogg.
Brodigan - April 08, 2022 at 09:28AM

We can expect to be hearing more from former child star David Hogg. Jury selection has started for Nikolas Cruz, the scumbag who killed seventeen of his classmates. Hogg exploiting the tragedy to become social media famous is how we've come to know him, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him use the trial to jumpstart his career. We can expect an uptick in brain nuggets like calling for a license to kill humans. Or this gem, where he revokes your "man card" if you buy a gun.

"Buying a gun does not make you a man it makes you a consumer, a cog in the system, one of millions having their insecurities weaponized for profit. You are being manipulated by marketing agencies because you are weak. Masculinity can not be purchased, it can only be practiced."

He's got an AR-15 lodged up his butt over a ten-year-old advertisement. Which is silly. Buying a gun doesn't make you a man. It makes you a badass! Or even a young king.

I find it astounding that in all the tweets and speech and media hits attacking gun owners, David Hogg has never learned anything from an actual gun owner. It's not just him. You can say the same about any progressive anti-gun zealot. Contrary to what one advertising firm thought in one cheeky ad, people don't buy guns because it makes them "feel like a man." They buy guns to protect themselves and their loved ones. That's why people buy guns. Occasionally, when crime is on the rise--thanks to liberal policies that liberals like Hogg support--more people than usual will go out to buy guns. It's still for safety and protection.

If that still makes David question my masculinity, I don't know how I'll be able to live with myself. Other than not caring.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Theater Troupe Announces Nude 'Family Sex Show' for Kids as Young as Five-Years-Old (But Don't Say 'Groomer')

Theater Troupe Announces Nude 'Family Sex Show' for Kids as Young as Five-Years-Old (But Don't Say 'Groomer')
Brodigan - April 08, 2022 at 08:22AM

Liberals and the media (but I repeat myself) are seizing on conservatives calling groomers "groomers." The controversy over the word stems from critics seizing on Florida's bill preventing teachers from pushing sex and gender on kids in third grade or younger. Urban Dictionary defines a groomer as "someone who builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them." The word, according to groomers and groomer adjacent-allies like Brian Stelter, is being misused by conservatives. Also, misused by parents who don't want people grooming their kids.

M'kay. So, what do you call grown adults promoting a "Family Sex Show" with full-frontal nudity toward children?

I won't link to the website. You are free to Google if you are morbidly curious. They advertise the show contains nakedness and explores themes around gender, sexuality, bodies, pleasure, relationships, and boundaries. Also, the target audience is children five years or older. The same audience opponents of Florida's "Parental Rights in Education" are targeting.

The Family Sex Show, which brags about putting, quote, the "good stuff at the forefront of conversation and imagines a future where there is no shame," says you should "bring your parents, bring your children, friends, lovers and bring your whole self." They put BRING YOUR PARENTS first because the show targets children. Targets them with nudity, depending on how comfortable the actors are in their bodies that day.

The left's new talking point is that it's a slur to call someone you disagree with a "groomer." We need a new word then for an adult who not only thinks it's appropriate to create and produce a live nude sex show for five-year-olds but openly talks about it as if it's normal and appropriate. The only other word besides "groomer" that comes to mind is "pedophile." Pick one.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Doocy Uses WH's Own Illegal Border Crossing Numbers Against Jen Psaki and She Doesn't Like It Very Much

Doocy Uses WH's Own Illegal Border Crossing Numbers Against Jen Psaki and She Doesn't Like It Very Much
Brodigan - April 08, 2022 at 07:38AM

Just when you thought it was safe, the 'Rona is back in the news. All of DC's liberal elite seems to be catching it. Also, the White House announced it will let Title 42 expire. Title 42 is the Trump-era guideline that said, in the face of a global pandemic, America should limit the number of extra people entering the country illegally who might spread it. The Biden White House never cared. They've been of the belief that you are less at risk of catching the 'rona from illegal migrants than you are a five-year-old who doesn't wear a mask at school. As well as superspreader events held at the White House.

DOOCY is concerned about the extra 18,000 people crossing our border illegally as a result of Title 42 expiring. Jen Psaki was shocked DOOCY came up with such a preposterous number. She was even more shocked that DOOCY got the number directly from the Biden administration.

DOOCY: So, about the extra 18,000 illegals your administration will be inviting to Texas once Title 42 expires...

PSAKI: Whoa, slow down Bucko. Did Tucker Carlson give you those numbers? You know he got them from Putin, right?

DOOCY: Ackshually, I got them from YOUR Department of Homeland Security. Up to 18,000 illegals A DAY. That's a lot.

PSAKI: No way.

DOOCY: Yes way.

PSAKI: Well, you said, "up to." I'm sure it will be less.

DOOCY: When has it ever been less?

PSAKI: F*ck. We need to order more iPhones to give out to them.

With everything else Joe Biden and the people who control him have been mucking up, it's easy to forget that the border is still in crisis. Or, I guess it depends on how you define "crisis." I'm not sure you can call it a crisis when what's happening by design of the people pushing the policies. What's an extra 18,000 A DAY on top of that?

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Teacher Organization Invites Gay Porn Star (Who Also Teaches Pre-K) to Speak, Disinvites After Getting Caught

Teacher Organization Invites Gay Porn Star (Who Also Teaches Pre-K) to Speak, Disinvites After Getting Caught
Joseph Gunderson - April 07, 2022 at 09:45AM

If you say anything about teachers attempting to sexually groom children, you’re a conspiracy theorist. Teachers are very concerned about what parents want for their children. They’d never talk to little kids about sexuality and gender. But they might have a gay porn star speak at a teacher development workshop.

I wish this wasn’t a thing. I wish we could trust that our public schools weren’t run by demented perverts and immoral deviants, but that’s not the world we live in. This is 2022, and pretty much everything is terrible, especially the public schools.

According to independent newssite Real News Michiana (h/t Not The Bee), the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) in Illinois invited Tell Williams IV to speak at its annual Pre-K and Kindergarten Conference this year. Williams is a preschool teacher, TikToker, and gay porn star of OnlyFans. No, this isn’t a joke.

The website for the event states, “After years of teaching Preschool, Tell saw a gap in curriculum that covers lessons on tolerance, acceptance, and diversity. Because of this, he created his own library that helps aide him and other educators on discussing these important matters in and out of the classroom with young students.”

Supposedly, he’s not there to talk about his curricula on tolerance, acceptance, and diversity—umbrellas that have been used to inject CRT, queer theory, and all manner of leftist ideology into schools. Williams was going to talk about “self-care.”

I say was because after RNM reported on his invitation to speak at the conference, the ASCD quickly uninvited him. I want to know why, though.

If Williams was actually supposed to talk about some anodyne subject, you’d think they’d just say as much. But I don’t think you go out of your way to invite a gay pornographer to talk at your conference if you’re just talking about advocating for and humanizing teachers (their words). You invite this person because your intention is to talk about his extra-curricular activities.

Why would this deviant be invited to speak at a conference for Pre-K and kindergarten teachers?! Yeah, there’s no push to groom your children. It’s all in your heads.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

'We Giving Lia the Trophy': Swimmer Who Tied Lia Thomas and Was Embarrassed By NCAA Speaks Out

'We Giving Lia the Trophy': Swimmer Who Tied Lia Thomas and Was Embarrassed By NCAA Speaks Out
Brodigan - April 07, 2022 at 09:31AM

Collge swimmer Riley Gaines tied Lia Thomas in the 200m last month. As she was going to stand and accept her trophy, she was told by the NCAA they only had one and they decided to let Lia hold it. Lia Thomas was the competitor all the media attention was on. Lia shattered a glass ceiling this year being the first person to compete as a woman after previously competing as a man and while still having a penis. All the other female swimmers were pushed aside in favor of Lia. Though none were as embarrassed as Gaines.

She joined Tucker Carlson to share her story.

Lia Thomas' Teammate SPEAKS OUT About Trans Swimmers! | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says

Show Notes: EXCLUSIVE Interview with Rep. Matt Gaetz

Show Notes: EXCLUSIVE Interview with Rep. Matt Gaetz
Team Crowder - April 07, 2022 at 09:06AM

Crowder sits down for an EXCLUSIVE interview with Rep. Matt Gaetz. It's Gaetz's first time on the show, and there's a lot to discuss. Also, the lockdowns in Shanghai have become so insane they have Anthony Fauci salivating. And your mainstream media is working overtime to cover up for the groomers at Disney. We'll tell you why that is.

from Steven Crowder Says

Biden Health Secretary Defends Spending Government Money on Sex Reassignment Surgeries for Minors

Biden Health Secretary Defends Spending Government Money on Sex Reassignment Surgeries for Minors
Joseph Gunderson - April 07, 2022 at 08:37AM

The government spends money on some really stupid things. During the pandemic, people were handed checks to stay home. We just found out they’re paying to hand cell phones out to illegal immigrants. And while there are several negative consequences to these policies—inflation being only one of these—they aren’t exactly harmful in a physical sense, at least not directly.

But during questioning on April 6, 2022, before the House Budget Committee, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra told Representative Lauren Boebert he would defend the spending of taxpayer dollars to perform sex reassignment surgeries on minors!

Climate Changers! Episode 2: AIR CONDITION THE PLANET! | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says

Jen Psaki Bombs: Of Course, We're Giving Smartphones to Illegal Immigrants. Why Wouldn't We?

Jen Psaki Bombs: Of Course, We're Giving Smartphones to Illegal Immigrants. Why Wouldn't We?
Brodigan - April 07, 2022 at 07:46AM

Joe Biden woke up one day and said to himself, "Self, someone sh*t in my pants again." After that, he decided that he hasn't thrown our southern border into enough of a crisis. He was going to let Title 42 expire. Title 42 is a Trump-era policy "put in place since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic allowing border officials to immediately expel migrants who attempt to cross the border without allowing them a chance to claim asylum." Letting it expire means millions more illegal migrants trying to cross our southern border. Letting it expire and causing more chaos is one of Biden's least popular decisions, so Americans are going to love hearing Jen Psaki brag that the illegals are also getting smartphones.

Throughout the public health crisis, the White House's position has been clear. While your five-year-old should be masked up at all times, they don't so much care if illegal migrants are spreading the 'rona. It's not surprising that the Biden Admin is letting the public health measure expire.

Giving people who aren't citizens phones paid for with tax money collected from those who are citizens seems ill-advised, as well. I get it. The Biden administration sucks at keeping track of illegal migrants. They lose them all the time, especially those who are minors. Handing out free phones to non-citizens who are breaking the law might prove to be less popular with the American people than letting Title 42 expire.

If Joe Biden, or the people who control him, gave a hoot about what the American people think, they would have never repealed all of the previous president's common sense illegal immigration reforms. Americans are not the citizens this White House cares about.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

CNN's Brian Stelter Defends Disney, Groomers From Those Mean Conservatives

CNN's Brian Stelter Defends Disney, Groomers From Those Mean Conservatives
Brodigan - April 07, 2022 at 07:15AM

CNN Chief Media Potato Brian Stelter is angry these days. He's angry at Tucker Carlson for being prettier than him and with better ratings. He's angry pranksters in the office keep leaving potatoes on his desk with notes that say, "This is you." He's angry that CNN+ is already going tits up and that no one will tell him what "tits" means. And he's angry that conservatives are being mean to Disney and being way too mean to groomers, or to be more precise with language, people who think five-year-olds should be indoctrinated with liberal sex and gender ideology who critics CALL groomers.

CNN's Tater Stelter was watching Fox News again and didn't like what he saw. So he complained about Fox News... on CNN.

"In the United States, we're seeing a theme of the midterm elections emerging. It's the way you can see a wave start to form far from shore before it breaks on the beach. The theme, the talking point on the right, is about protecting kids from the dangers of The Walt Disney Company. Really."

Ackshually, no. Not really. The theme of the midterm elections is Joe Biden's incompetence in dealing with the border, inflation, the economy, gas prices, Afghanistan, anti-science masking, foreign policy, domestic energy policy, and Biden's trademark incoherence whenever they prop him up in front of a camera. Disney and groomers are unrelated issues.

That stems from Ron DeSantis passing a law in Florida that prevents teachers' union thugs from pushing sex and gender on kids in 3rd grade and younger. People who opposed the bill indicate that they support pushing sex and gender on kids in 3rd grade and younger, and doing so behind their parents' backs. The most prominent of which is the Walt Disney Company, a giant corporation from whom Tater received this press release that he's calling "news."

Now, COULD this become a midterm issue? Mayhaps. Polls show that DeSantis' common sense education reform is very popular when people read what's in it vs. what liberals lie about. Americans don't like schools and corporation indoctrinating their children. Go figure.

But the midterms are not ABOUT that. The midterms are about Joe Biden being a puddingheaded, incompetent, possibly senile old coot.

The Louder with Crowder Dot Com Website is on Instagram now! Follow us at @lwcnewswire and tell a friend!

from Steven Crowder Says

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Amy Coney Barrett Shuts Down Heckler Calling Her 'Enslaver of Women' So Hard the Crowd Erupts With Applause

Amy Coney Barrett Shuts Down Heckler Calling Her 'Enslaver of Women' So Hard the Crowd Erupts With Applause
Brodigan - April 06, 2022 at 10:19AM

You would think leftists would be over the fact Amy Coney Barrett is a Supreme Court Justice. It was only fitting that after Ruth Bader Ginsberg turn into a corpsicle, her heir would be a younger and prettier version. Also, unlike RBG, someone who has read the constitution. But not all progressives have calmed down about it. One tried heckling the Notorious ACB during a speech at the Reagan Library. The justice's response received a rousing ovation.

The video is timestamped, and there is a break while the lady yelling was removed from the auditorium. They didn't want to give her any more publicity. Also, if the heckler's head "accidentally" hit the door on the way out, probably best that isn't on video.

amy coney barrett suffering for two minutes and thirty-nine seconds

from Steven Crowder Says